I HATE Rom-Coms. But here are the 11 Best

<p>I am not a snob about many things. Certainly not my wardrobe. I used to dress from K-Mart, now I pretty much just dress from what other people leave at the gym. My bling? I mostly sport Grateful Dead skull necklaces and zoo animals I fashion from Evian bottle caps.</p> <p>I don&rsquo;t spend a lot on art. In fact, I found that instead of buying a still-life painting of an apple, I can just nail an apple to the wall until putrification sets in, and then I leave it up a bit longer, telling people it represents man&rsquo;s inhumanity to man.</p> <p>There is really only one area of my life where I can justly be accused of snobbery, and that is movies. In fact, I&rsquo;m a ridiculous snob about movies.</p> <p>I turn up my nose at super-hero movies. At the key moment, when Infra-Man is about to unleash his awesome lazer beams at Thor so that the Lego Avengers can save the Rocketeer and the Justice League&hellip;I just don&rsquo;t give a flat fuck. I&rsquo;m mostly praying for Zeus to take me quickly and spare me even another second of torment.</p> <p>Similarly, action movies make my head want to explode, which would actually be a cool effect in an action movie. Tom Cruise may drive a Corvette off of the Burj Khalifa and land on top of a 747 flying to Moscow, but at that moment all I can think about is if my popcorn is giving me enough riboflavin.&nbsp;<em>(No. Apparently it&rsquo;s not</em>).</p> <p>But of all the films I despise in the world, there is a special place in the Dantenian inferno of movie hell reserved for the most odious form of movie making the twisted collective mind of humanity has ever invented, and that is the Romantic Comedy.</p> <p>The sins of the Rom-com are legion. First, the characters have to&nbsp;<em>&ldquo;meet cute&rdquo;</em>&nbsp;in some forced, preposterous situation. Kate Hudson works at the Wuhan Infections Disease lab and accidentally drops a pile of smallpox virus on Paul Rudd. Or Matthew McConaughey is an undertaker and almost buries Julia Roberts before she&rsquo;s dead.</p> <p><a href="https://sendaylinleach.medium.com/i-hate-rom-coms-but-here-are-the-11-best-4ce652561ebf"><strong>Click Here</strong></a></p>
Tags: Hate Coms