Do truck drivers hate dispatcher?

<p>When I had my dispatching company and was just starting out the main decision I had to make was, how much should I charge for my services. I went back and forth from 5% to 8% to 10%. I eventually settled on 10% and the reason was simple, I was well worth it.</p> <p>I gave my carriers the security of knowing that I had their best interest at heart. They knew I would and could always get them out of any &ldquo;dead zones&rdquo; or figure a way to get them a high paying load which is not as easy as it sounds because sometimes you have to blend two lower paying loads to make magic. My communication was both direct and honest. Every one of my carriers stated that they knew I could be counted on and had no problem paying me (and on-time). So, the love was there as long as I was performing my job.</p> <p><a href=""><strong>Learn More</strong></a></p>