Tag: Hard

Stop “Working Hard.” Start Exploiting These Unfair Advantages Instead

Most people never get rich because they spend too much time making money. They’re so focused on the day-to-day rat race that they never stop to think about whether or not there’s a better, easier way. If hard work was the key to success, then most people would be unimaginably ...

Why Is it so Hard for Us to Believe Our Partner’s Changes?

So how was it since we last met?” I ask Alex. “Paulina has been touching me more,” he says, his face still. “That’s great! No? Why aren’t you smiling?” “Because she’s only doing it because you suggested she do that. She didn&rsquo...

Yes, Women Have A Hard Time Saying ‘No’

Saying “no” can be problematic for some people, especially women. Think about how often you’ve said yes to someone and found yourself doing something you didn’t want to do. So why don’t women say “no” more often? For one thing, we were raised to be &...

You’ve Been Too Hard on Yourself

Have you been judging yourself lately? Comparing yourself with others, feeling less than and little. Constantly beating yourself down. Regretting the things you did. Could have, should have, would have. That frustration is killing you. Trapping you in the past or future that has ye...

Can Anyone Get Rich if They Work Hard Enough?

People have different understandings of “getting rich” and “working hard.” Some individuals associate wealth with the ability to drive high-end cars like Audi and Mercedes with no minimal effort. After a while, these people put their lives into autopilot mode and...

You’ve Been Too Hard on Yourself

Have you been judging yourself lately? Comparing yourself with others, feeling less than and little. Constantly beating yourself down. Regretting the things you did. Could have, should have, would have. That frustration is killing you. Trapping you in the past or future that has ye...

Can Anyone Get Rich if They Work Hard Enough?

People have different understandings of “getting rich” and “working hard.” Some individuals associate wealth with the ability to drive high-end cars like Audi and Mercedes with no minimal effort. After a while, these people put their lives into autopilot mode and...

Do Hard Things if You Want an Easy Life

The other day my mom told me about a family member who had a flat tire on her bike. This relative doesn’t live an easy life. She had a doctor’s appointment and when she pulled out her bike to go there, she discovered the flat. She doesn’t have a car. So she ended up walking to t...

A Hard Worker & Non-Thinker Who Taught Me About Myself

I recall working for a multinational food company a few years ago, and part of the interview process was a business aptitude test. There were several mental exercises that we had to complete as applicants and from those and your ‘on-the-job performance’, they would select the individu...

How to Study Hard Gameplay and Game Design

When it comes to understanding game design and gameplay, these two categories are often difficult for people from the outside to study objectively. This is why it’s hard to do a review of the systems of games like Elden Ring, Devil May Cry 5, and especially Doom Eternal. However...

How to Study Hard Gameplay and Game Design

When it comes to understanding game design and gameplay, these two categories are often difficult for people from the outside to study objectively. This is why it’s hard to do a review of the systems of games like Elden Ring, Devil May Cry 5, and especially Doom Eternal. However...

How to Study Hard Gameplay and Game Design

Video game difficulty can mean different things for everyone. Some people can only relax if a game is testing them every which way, and there are others who just want to breeze through a game and treat it as an extended movie or TV show. For games designed around reflex-driven gameplay, if you want ...

Are We Making Lambda Too Hard?

You may or may not know that I run a weekly serverless newsletter. The newsletter compiles the best serverless content every week and gives a summary with my thoughts. I love doing it — it’s a great way to stay up to date on all the new feature releases and keep up with trending ...

‘Hard Times Create Strong Men, Strong Men Create Good Times, Good Times Create Weak Men, Weak Men Create Hard Times’ — Not Only False, But Fascist Rhetoric

The human evolutionary niche exists at the confluence of advanced cognitive development and societal sophistication. It is the capability to not only hone rudimentary spears and bludgeons, but to operate in tandem with our kind to slay woolly mammoths and fashion warm garments from its furs, to run ...

#3 Hard Decision for Cato against Pompey, Principles or Winning Allies?

Before Caesar was holding the power by himself in Rome, most might know that he was part of an alliance with two other people (triumvirate, the three men coalition). The other two powerful people in the alliance were Pompey and Crassus, as many might know. Our story starts even before this triumv...

A Hard Day’s Night.

Last Friday on July 7th, one of the most famous historic stages of Toronto hosted the Liverpool 4; a tribute band for the Beatles. The magical venue of Massey Hall and the music of my favourite band of all times intrigued me enough to experience a tribute concert of four lads; Jerry Boyer, John...

Love: it's meaning and definition in general and in Islam

Love seems a very hard word to define. A lot of people ask the question “what is love?” and many people have an answer related to emotion. According to psychology, however, thoughts precede our emotions. We feel things related to our thoughts. There may be an element of choice in love th...

Maybe You Should Stop Trying so Hard

Clinginess is about control. People who can’t let go of getting a specific outcome become clingy and overbearing. In their obsession to get a specific outcome, they drive away the thing they want. Maybe you’re not clingy in your relationships — that’s good. But how comfort...

Cold Hard Facts: The Menendez Brothers

Even though it has been over 30 years since the murder of Jose and Kitty Menendez, recently there has been a resurgent of interest in the case that once left the nation divided in opinions. On popular video app Tik Tok, hundreds of thousands of people swarm to the many videos about the Menendez brot...

The Hard Realities of Law School in the Philippines

Let this sink in. That’s as long as college, longer if you went to a school that follows a trimestral system. That’s four years of paying for tuition, books, and a space in Starbucks. That’s four years of your life on hold. Within the same time, you’d be comfortably establish...

Good Help Is Hard to Find

“IDON’T SEE THE ATTRACTION,” Doris Titecheeks confided as she set her teacup next to her dessert plate. She flicked the nine of hearts onto the table to take the trick. She tucked it under her last trick, needing only one more to win her four hearts bid. “I think it’s c...

Meditation the Hard Way ! (Energy Release from the Head Nerves)

Initial 10 minutes, we need to sit, and walk ourselves over the memories ! Initially, there might be resistance, our Ego can bring about. Say, When, we try to recall a ‘painful’ memory, which has been storing a lot of Energy. Say, I try to recall a memory, which revolves around an Ins...

Stuck Between Narcotics and a Hard Place

This image is from a video I found on youtube that describes the relative potency of pain medications. The content creator sets hydrocodone (and oral morphine) as the basis for his comparison. For example, aspirin (“ASA”) has 1/360 the pain relieving efficacy of hydrocodone. Fentanyl has...

It’s hard to surpass the uncle, did Napoleon’s nephew rebuild the empire and bring prosperity to France?

First, the superficial prosperity Napoleon III’s move to rebuild the French Empire naturally provoked panic among the ministers of the interior and other European countries, especially other European rulers, who feared the appearance of another Napoleon who would attempt to conquer Europe, ...

Te Doy Mis Ojos (review) — Uncovering our eyes to hard truths

I am not the biggest fan of heavy or angst movies, mostly because more often than not, I cannot stomach gruesome scenes and painful emotions. To me, watching movies is an escape route from my own world, therefore as”real” as the movie should be made, I would at least hope that it would n...