#3 Hard Decision for Cato against Pompey, Principles or Winning Allies?

<p>Before Caesar was holding the power by himself in Rome, most might know that he was part of an alliance with two other people (triumvirate, the three men coalition). The other two powerful people in the alliance were Pompey and Crassus, as many might know.</p> <p>Our story starts even before this triumvirate was formed. Pompey was victorious against Mithridates&rsquo; kingdom, and he was on his way back to Rome with the army. It was a glorious victory, taking many lands, increasing the tax income of Rome by a significant amount. Pompey was happy, he was going to have a huge triumph, giving Pompey a big political advantage. But&hellip; There was a problem.</p> <p><a href="https://medium.com/interesting-plots-from-history-and-stories/hard-decision-for-cato-against-pompey-principles-or-winning-allies-e6bb86ca8ce7"><strong>Click Here</strong></a></p>
Tags: Hard decision