Tag: Framework

A Five-Step Framework For Superior Work Performance

You perform better than the vast majority of people if you avoid these common mistakes: Forget to ask yourself and your team: What is our goal? Pick the first idea that comes to mind for solving the problem Limit your ideation to three ideas Get stuck in the selection phase, without...

.NET Audit Implementation via the Entity Framework Change Tracker

A guide to using the Entity Framework Change Tracker to audit data changes in .NET. Credit: Microsoft.com Popularity for EF has skyrocketed since the release of Entity Framework Core and it has become one of the most widely used tools in the .NET ecosystem. This has largely been driv...

iOS 17 @Observable and the Observation Framework

WWDC 2023 introduced us to the new iOS-17@Observable property wrapper along with a cleaned-up @State that now supersedes the previous @State @ObservedObject, @StateObject. This is fantastic — it’s always been a source of confusion for those starting on Swift...

Security Considerations in Entity Framework Applications

Developing secure applications is paramount in today’s digital landscape. Security breaches can lead to data leaks, unauthorized access, and significant reputational damage. When working with Entity Framework, a powerful Object-Relational Mapping (ORM) framework for .NET, it’s crucial to...

Why I built a web framework in Rust — and why you shouldn’t

In the early days of building Patr (a DevOps management platform), our mission was clear: ensure stability, correctness, and minimal crashes for the applications under our care. Rust, with its strong focus on correctness and error handling, seemed like the ideal language. I recalled an app...

Stop being an “insert-framework/language” Developer

Regardless of how long you have been in tech, you must have come across or been a “React Developer”, “Python Developer”, “C# Developer”, and so on. Everyone starts somewhere, and once we find our niche/comfort zone, we tend to not leave it. As humans we are hesita...

Trust the Framework: Balancing React Performance and Productivity

In the React community, there’s often a buzz around re-renders. But here’s the thing: re-renders aren’t inherently bad. In fact, React’s fundamental design is built upon the concept of re-rendering components when state or props change. The official React documentation emp...

Tidying Up the Framework of Dataset Shifts: The Example

I recently talked about the causes of model performance degradation, meaning when their prediction quality drops with respect to the moment we trained and deployed our models. In this other post, I proposed a new way of thinking about the causes of model degradation. In that framework, the so-c...

3 ways to learn Angular Framework in 2023

Hello guys, if you want to learn Angular framework for web development in 2023 but not sure how and where to start then you have come to the right place. Earlier, I have shared best Angular courses, books, tutorials, and interview questions and in this article, I will share&...

Serving Multiple Models to a Single Model Endpoint with MLflow

In the world of machine learning, it is not uncommon to work on problems that, by their nature, require the development of multiple models. A common scenario could be a use case in the field of retail. Here, for example, we have different stores distributed across a region, each store containing dif...

Tidying Up the Framework of Dataset Shifts: The Example

I recently talked about the causes of model performance degradation, meaning when their prediction quality drops with respect to the moment we trained and deployed our models. In this other post, I proposed a new way of thinking about the causes of model degradation. In that framework, the so-c...

Hugging Face has written a new ML framework in Rust, now open-sourced!

Recently, Hugging Face open sourced a heavyweight ML framework, Candle, which is a departure from the usual Python approach to machine learning, written in Rust with a focus on performance (including GPU support) and ease of use. According to Hugging Face, Candle’s core goal is to make...

Inside DSPy: The New Language Model Programming Framework You Need to Know About

The universe of language model programming(LMP) frameworks has been expanding rapidly on the last few months. Frameworks such as LangChain or LlamaIndex have certainly achieved relevant levels of adoption within the LLM community and Microsoft’s Semantic Kernel is boosting an impressive set of...

Chronon — A Declarative Feature Engineering Framework

A framework for developing production grade features for machine learning models. The purpose of the blog is to provide an overview of core concepts in Chronon. Nikhil Simha Raprolu Background Airbnb uses machine learning in almost every product, from ranking search results to intelligently...

Talent Metrics Maturity Framework

While there is a lot of focus on enabling Machine Learning adoption in Talent Operations — a key pre-requisite for ML model creation is the availability of relevant data and a clear understanding of what metrics need to be tracked. Without the relevant metrics in place, any ML initiative is go...

Inside DSPy: The New Language Model Programming Framework You Need to Know About

The universe of language model programming(LMP) frameworks has been expanding rapidly on the last few months. Frameworks such as LangChain or LlamaIndex have certainly achieved relevant levels of adoption within the LLM community and Microsoft’s Semantic Kernel is boosting an impressive set of...

The 4-Step Framework to Solve Almost Any Problem Like Top Strategy Consultants

How do you solve big problems? How do you answer difficult questions in life and business? Is there a systematic approach that fits any situation? There is. Luckily in university, I had a complete course about systematic problem solving taught by a senior partner at McKinsey Management Consult...

A Five-Step Framework For Superior Work Performance

You perform better than the vast majority of people if you avoid these common mistakes: Forget to ask yourself and your team: What is our goal? Pick the first idea that comes to mind for solving the problem Limit your ideation to three ideas Get stuck in the selection phase, without...

The 4-Step Framework to Solve Almost Any Problem Like Top Strategy Consultants

How do you solve big problems? How do you answer difficult questions in life and business? Is there a systematic approach that fits any situation? There is. Luckily in university, I had a complete course about systematic problem solving taught by a senior partner at McKinsey Management Consult...

How to Disagree Like a Leader: Navigating Workplace Conflicts with Harvard’s HEAR Framework

We’ve all been there: a workplace disagreement that turns into a heated debate, leaving the room filled with frustration and unresolved tension. These conflicts can be draining and counterproductive. The best leaders, however, know how to disagree effectively. Enter Harvard’s HEAR f...

A Growth Framework for Design Teams

It’s been a rough summer. The company I spent the past three years reimagining the future of urban mobility with declared bankruptcy, and what was left of the design team that I built came to an end. There have been countless articles written in a variety of languages discussing the rise ...

Day 145: Beautiful Games Final (Fog/Volumetric Light & Reflection Probes framework.)

Oh yes, yes we can! Question is, to what? The magic staff could emit something, but probably not fog. I had an idea to put an iron maiden in the middle of the room, but I don’t see an option for that. A seance table works so well for this environment! Had to increase environmenta...

The Insusceptible Framework: Our Inconspicuous Watchman

The safe framework is quite possibly of the most complicated and fundamental framework in the human body. It capabilities as an inconspicuous gatekeeper, intended to shield us from the assaults of microbes like microscopic organisms, infections, parasites, and different microorganisms that can cause...

Leveraging Infrastructure as Code (IaC) for AWS Lambda: A Comparative Analysis of AWS SAM, Terraform, and Serverless Framework

In recent years, Infrastructure as Code (IaC) has emerged as a fundamental practise in cloud computing, allowing developers and operations teams to manage and provision infrastructure using code rather than manual processes. This shift has revolutionised the way applications are deployed and managed...

How to hack phones? Understanding Metasploit Framework: Part 1

Metasploit Framework (MSF) is one of the most famous penetration testing tools suite available in the market which is free to everybody (an opensource tool), and is used by hackers as well as defenders alike. The Metasploit Framework includes thousands of tools ...

Unit Test the Observation Framework

When I heard about the new Observation framework in WWDC 2023, like all good fans of Combine (we still exist!), I was naturally horrified. Combine is no longer an implementation detail of SwiftUI. Our hard-earned knowledge of testing @Published properties is deprecated. Today, we&rsq...

iOS 17 @Observable and the Observation Framework

WWDC 2023 introduced us to the new iOS-17@Observable property wrapper along with a cleaned-up @State that now supersedes the previous @State @ObservedObject, @StateObject. This is fantastic — it’s always been a source of confusion for those starting on Swift...

A Framework to Predict How AI Will Change Your Work

The year that just passed, 2023, was the year of AI. It was not so much that AI was invented this year, but it became widely known, appreciated, and used by large populations with the ChatGPT phenomenon. So, what will be the impact of AI on jobs and life? At one end, people say some jobs are goin...

Master Data Management – Maturity Assessment Framework

Master Data Management (MDM) is the process of creating and maintaining a single, accurate, and complete view of an organization’s critical data assets, such as customers, products, suppliers, and employees. The success of MDM implementation relies on the maturity level of the organization&rsq...