Talent Metrics Maturity Framework

<p>While there is a lot of focus on enabling Machine Learning adoption in Talent Operations &mdash; a key pre-requisite for ML model creation is the availability of relevant data and a clear understanding of what metrics need to be tracked. Without the relevant metrics in place, any ML initiative is going to be unnecessarily long-drawn and will lead to a loss of credibility for the Data Science program.</p> <p>So, what is the way forward?</p> <p>The Human Capital Reporting (HCR) Team needs to take a multi-pronged approach to developing contextual ML-ready metrics -</p> <p><strong>1) Assimilate Global Standards</strong>: Understand existing global standards in reporting, which will come pre-baked with validation across industries and geographies. The ISO (International Organization for Standardization) enables this through a structured and consultative process (ISO &mdash; Stages and resources for standards development).</p> <p>The output of the standards creation process is a document that can serve as a Least Common Denominator (LCD) to be used across industries and geographies. A good reference document is the ISO Standard for &ldquo;HRM &mdash; Guidelines for Internal and External HCR&rdquo; &mdash;&nbsp;ISO 30414:2018 &mdash; Human resource management &mdash; Guidelines for internal and external human capital reporting. This standard looks at 11 core areas in HR that need to be tracked effectively as part of any HCR approach.</p> <p>The fact that this is an LCD means that it may not be comprehensive in its coverage and hence needs to be contextualized to your organization.</p> <p><a href="https://togyjose.medium.com/talent-metrics-maturity-framework-7c6c9a8490ad">Read More</a></p>