.NET Audit Implementation via the Entity Framework Change Tracker

<p>A guide to using the Entity Framework Change Tracker to audit data changes in .NET.</p> <p>Credit: Microsoft.com</p> <p>Popularity for EF has skyrocketed since the release of&nbsp;<strong>Entity Framework Core</strong>&nbsp;and it has become one of the most widely used tools in the .NET ecosystem. This has largely been driven by a movement towards &lsquo;<strong><em>code first</em></strong>&rsquo; database development (rather than &lsquo;<strong><em>database first</em></strong>&rsquo;). Gone are the days where we litter our solutions with untested and badly managed database scripts. For problems such as auditing, which historically relied on database triggers, this often finds us looking for new solutions. Luckily the Entity Framework &lsquo;<strong><em>Change Tracker</em></strong>&rsquo; is here to help!</p> <p><a href="https://levelup.gitconnected.com/net-audit-implementation-via-the-entity-framework-change-tracker-3436854fd613">Website</a></p>