Leveraging Infrastructure as Code (IaC) for AWS Lambda: A Comparative Analysis of AWS SAM, Terraform, and Serverless Framework

<p>In recent years, Infrastructure as Code (IaC) has emerged as a fundamental practise in cloud computing, allowing developers and operations teams to manage and provision infrastructure using code rather than manual processes. This shift has revolutionised the way applications are deployed and managed, especially in serverless environments like AWS Lambda. In this article, we&rsquo;ll explore the pros and cons of using IaC tools such as AWS SAM, Terraform, and the Serverless Framework for AWS Lambda deployments.</p> <h1>AWS SAM (Serverless Application Model)</h1> <h2>Pros:</h2> <ol> <li>Native AWS Integration: AWS SAM is designed specifically for AWS services, providing seamless integration with the AWS ecosystem. This allows for simplified configuration and deployment of serverless applications.</li> <li>Simplified YAML Syntax: AWS SAM uses a straightforward YAML-based syntax, making it easy to define serverless resources, such as functions, APIs, and event sources, in a concise and human-readable format.</li> </ol> <p><a href="https://medium.com/@kasun.dsilva/leveraging-infrastructure-as-code-iac-for-aws-lambda-a-comparative-analysis-of-aws-sam-f2837b2a639d"><strong>Read More</strong></a></p>