A Framework to Predict How AI Will Change Your Work

<p>The year that just passed, 2023, was the year of AI. It was not so much that AI was invented this year, but it became widely known, appreciated, and used by large populations with the ChatGPT phenomenon.</p> <p>So, what will be the impact of AI on jobs and life? At one end, people say some jobs are going to be impacted. There are a few that come to mind immediately. The customer service agents and certain reporters who write boilerplate news stories. Conversely, some argue that entire job categories will disappear, and we need universal basic income to survive.</p> <p><a href="https://medium.com/long-sweet-valuable/a-framework-to-predict-how-ai-will-change-your-work-d253e35bd897"><strong>Learn More</strong></a></p>