Tag: Family

Sharing Our Family Recipes Has Become A Mission To Bring Joy

I was sitting in a hospital waiting area here in Italy just over six years ago. I had undergone treatment for thyroid cancer during the previous month. That day I was there to find out if the nightmare was over, if we had managed to defeat the monster. I use “we” because fighting cancer ...

10 Activities For Family Meetings

Do you want to be included in the program An Evening in the Family,” in which all members are involved and feel good? We recommend 10 activities from which you can choose so that your whole family is delighted and can look forward to the special evening. Relaxation, fun, and movement—you...

Replay Joins the OVA Family

Montreal, QC, October 18, 2023. It is with great excitement that we announce that OVA has acquired Replay, an EdTech company founded by Simon and Vincent Drouin. Their team has joined us to work on our core product, StellarX. Since its very beginning, Replay’s missi...

Abrahamic Family House: UAE’s Pioneering Efforts Towards Religious Harmony and Coexistence

The recent opening of the Abrahamic Family House in Abu Dhabi is a powerful statement of the UAE’s commitment to religious harmony, peaceful coexistence, respect, and diversity. The building houses a mosque, a church, and a synagogue, making it the first of its kind in the world. The...

Exploring Bangkok’s Family-Friendly Fun: The Best Things to Do with Kids

Bangkok, a city that seamlessly blends tradition and modernity, offers a treasure trove of experiences for families traveling with kids. From enchanting aquariums to immersive educational theme parks, this vibrant metropolis has something to keep everyone entertained. In this blog post, we’ll ...

A Blue and Yellow Family

‘If Russia dropped a big bomb on Ukraine, nobody would give a shit.’ For as long as I’ve known them, my partner, Anna, has been waiting for the day they can shed the albatross of their Ukrainian citizenship and get the German one. Their experience of bei...

The Secret Luxury Life of Dubai’s Richest Family

Picture this: We’re in the heart of Dubai, a city that embodies the glitz and glamour of the 21st century. When people think of its name, they imagine a place where luxury is the norm and extravagance is the standard. The image that comes to mind is that of towering skyscrapers pier...


It is situated in the heart located in the heart of Abu Dhabi, the Abrahamic Family House is a symbol of peace and optimism in a time when religious differences sometimes cause discord. Alongside being an architectural wonder the magnificent structure also serves as a metaphor for spiritua...

These photos show the truly whacked-out devotion the Manson Family had for their leader

Inthe winter of 1970, four women are squatting on the sidewalk outside the Los Angeles Hall of Justice. Hands resting on their knees, palms up, they strike a calm, upbeat presence as they field questions from a grey-haired network reporter in khakis and a bad blazer. One of them, Sandra Good, explai...

LAPMF and the Arrue family VANniversary: Part 1

Welcome to the story of a family, fandom, and the Los Angeles Police Memorial Foundation. This is an epic which unfolds over the course of one year and in a series of articles, of which, this is part 1. The setting is Los Angeles; however, this tale has a universally heartwarming quality. Faste...

Hey Jan, my friend's family of 4 (aged 12 and 10) are visiting Rome in Nov / Dec. Any food / activities / cool stuff / hacks recommendations?

Long queues and amazing Google reviews may not necessarily mean good for the discerning foodie. Google opening times may not be accurate so call if you need more assurance. You’ll get by with basic English for reservations and courtesy goes a long way (see travel tips at the end). Most rest...

The Knopp Family Takes on Italy!

Welcome! from the train, somewhere between Florence and Venice! As I sit here, writing this post, I’m full of excitement for the rest of our Italian travels; also to share the journey with you guys! But for now, I will take you through the first part of my family’s week in Italy. My f...

Please stop using the term “Single-Family Home”

Media, politicians, planners, activists and housing critics like to throw around the adjective “single-family homes” (SFH) when describing detached houses and neighbourhoods zoned for detached houses. As housing prices become out-of-reach of the common person, critics slam “single-...

How to Break the Rules of the Wealthy White Family

In my previous article, I outlined the six unspoken rules that work to confine money to rich families and hoard wealth indefinitely for the family lineage. These rules were shaped by conservative, white, Christian, British elites, and it’s high time we break them. This is a guide for w...

Living in 1,000 Square Feet as a Family of Four

Families were all the rage 100+ years ago; your big family was your life. How did it all change? We left our families behind when we moved from the farms into the city. However, it starts inside the nuclear family. The cost of raising kids has skyrocketed; therefore, we have fewer children. Th...

How might Buddhism help with difficult family relationships

Leaving aside ‘the perfect family’, you will always find difficulties within any family group. Parents, children, or siblings all come with their potential issues. There might be specific individuals who manage to press your buttons and cause you deep distress or maybe it is the overall ...

I changed my name and left my sexist family

Mother does not stop swinging her knife at the cutting board as she replies, “A high school education is enough for marriage. Going to university is not worth the investment. And YaoZu will be an adult in a few years”. YaoZu is my little brother. His name means to bring glory. I do...

The Myth of the Nuclear Family is a Grift

Other countries don't talk about family values because it is a given. Most other societies practice a much more utilitarian approach to families as well and it seems to be working outfkr then just fine considering that don't have to spend so much time convincing everyone to participate. We l...

Entrapment and Contradictory Approaches in the Family Court

The Family Court was conceived as a judicial sanctuary intended to arbiter the resolution of domestic disputes. However, in the context of cases of involving family violence, in my experience, it frequently morphs into a domain of entrapment, where the very people it seeks to protect are instead ...

Disowned On Xmas Day By My Homophobic Family: One Year Later

You know that feeling when you accidentally ram your toe into the nightstand as you shuffle back from the bathroom in the middle of the night? You know what I’m talking about. That excruciating, sobering, godforsaken sensation that can only be rivalled by unintentionally biting your tong...

Chosen Family Saves Lives

If the holidays tend to make you &/or your gender-variant child fearful or depressed, it’s likely time to take back control of who gets to define “family.” Love is thicker than blood. If your extended family isn’t loving and affirming, you may need to put yourself a...

When You’re Not Wanted At The Family Table

I also check the guest list. My mother, who lives with us, my father-in-law, who lives nearby, my husband, all of our children, and a couple of their partners. I’ve been doing this since I was 19. I’m pretty tired. But since being rejected by my adopters in what can only be describ...

What Being Disowned By My Family On Christmas Day Taught Me About Love

Ifyou’ve read any of my other articles, my homosexuality won’t come as a surprise to you. I make no secret of it — better yet, I focus a lot of my work around the topic of being gay, in hopes of raising awareness of the hardships faced by many LGBTQ+ people due to their s...

All I Want Is My Family to Love Me, but They Kicked Me Out for Being Trans

It’s been two years. I haven’t heard my mother’s voice for two years. I’ve dreamed of being back in my family home on the other side of the country each night. They are just dreams. They aren’t real. I know they’re not real because my home is warm. My father em...

Chosen Family Saves Lives

If the holidays tend to make you &/or your gender-variant child fearful or depressed, it’s likely time to take back control of who gets to define “family.” Love is thicker than blood. If your extended family isn’t loving and affirming, you may need to put yourself a...

My Late Family Financier

The drive to be a self-supporting artist led me to pursue independent study during the summer with “working artists.” I slowly built up a portfolio which by graduation was lacking by graduate art school standards and so in 1967, rejected by graduate schools I had applied to and armed wit...

The 25+ Most Positive & Hopeful Family Court Reform Moments of 2022

We’re taking a look back at some of the most impactful Family Court reform news stories and moments from 2022 (there are many more), which we believe was one of the most important years in this movement’s history to date. The momentum we saw in 2022 is a continuation of the globa...

This is all very intentional. Don’t believe it? Ask a Mom in Family Court.

What we are witnessing with the overturn of Roe v. Wade is a direct reflection of the evidence-based gender bias & injustices that are present in the lower family courts throughout the U.S. (and throughout the globe) that deprive women and children of their basic human rights and right to live f...

The Bogdański Family

Twenty years have slowly passed since that fateful April when a well-respected family of five mysteriously vanished from their home over the space of a few days. During the week of April 11 to April 18, three generations of the Bogdański family disappeared from their Polish home, including the gran...

My Late Family Financier

The drive to be a self-supporting artist led me to pursue independent study during the summer with “working artists.” I slowly built up a portfolio which by graduation was lacking by graduate art school standards and so in 1967, rejected by graduate schools I had applied to and armed wit...

Snapshots of the Migration Estrangement That Tore My Asian-American Family Apart

In an unmarked manila envelope that smells of mildew, I discover letters from opposite sides of my family’s Chinese-American divide. One is from my paternal great-grandfather W. Herbert Trescott, the other from my grandfather Liu Chengyu. These two consolation notes are emblematic of the divis...

Top 10 Family-Friendly Countries to Immigrate to in 2023

In our interconnected world, relocating to another country has become increasingly feasible. Whether pursuing enhanced opportunities, an elevated quality of life, or a safer haven for your family, immigrating offers a fresh beginning. To facilitate your decision-making process, let’s delve int...

How My Family Shows Love Without Words

Every family has its own unique rituals, and mine was no different. For me, these rituals often began before the sun had a chance to peek through the curtains. The soft sound of footsteps approaching my room was the gentle nudge from reality, pulling me from the depths of sleep. It wasn’t the ...

Healing our Asian Family Trauma

Dennis Kim is a second generation Korean-Canadian marketing executive, proud father and husband. This is a story about depression and how it took hold of my family, and how I’m still working through the trauma it left behind. It’s a very personal story and one that is hard to share...

The Asian-American Guide to Surviving Family Gatherings

Ah, family gatherings. Those events we simultaneously look forward to and dread. The anticipation of delicious food battles with the anxiety of answering those questions. As an Asian-American, these gatherings are a cultural marathon of sorts, peppered with moments that are as endearing as...

How I Avoided the Asian Family Drama at My Wedding

So before I rant about the Asian family drama that happens whenever someone gets engaged and the things you can do to prevent that, let me share with you a few factors that I had absolutely no control over that helped me avoid a lot of that stuff. Being the youngest Both my...

I Finally Understand White Privilege

Iknow what you’re thinking. Has she been living under a rock? How can she not know what white privilege is? I tend to live obliviously. When a war breaks out or major civil unrest happens, I’m the last to hear about it. It’s not something I’m proud of, I’m just...

Boron Family: And its Unique Properties

Chemistry is one of the main things necessary for our technology and to understand this universe. Chemistry deals with the study of the composition, structure, properties, and reactions of matter with each other. After studying boron and its family members let’s first talk about the hist...

Exclusive and Independent Events — For Friends and Family

Words in the title of this article have haunted me for long time and I always end up checking the coin toss example to understand the concept better. However, I think we need to find a more relatable example… Duh!, who tosses coins in today’s world. While thinking about the right exa...

The New Family Toy

The following story was written in 2000. When I first decided to pursue my writing career seriously enough to take a writing class or two, I had no idea that I would soon be the proud owner of a personal computer. Computers were the future. The very far away future as far as I was concerned. I...

The benefits of the nuclear family.

In this brief article I will explain my opinions and thoughts on the decimation of the traditional family unit, with blurring of the lines between roles within the family setting and how this may lead to valuable traits being absent from the youth. This piece will revolve around one key idea that tr...

‘Step Into My Office’ and Other Untraditional Family Traditions

We’ve never really been ones for tradition,” my family says. Hold up. Yes, we have. We may not have noticed they were traditions, but they certainly exist. There are the typical holiday traditions of course: There’s an ornament from Germany of a little lad climbing a strin...

Easter and Family Traditions

I recall Easters when there was snow on the ground, and I remember Easters when it was warm enough to wear a floral spring dress to Sunday Mass. This holiday revolved around the church growing up. My parents were split in the religious beliefs and practices. While the religions they aligned with wer...

Embracing the New Normal: How Our Family Traditions are Changing

I’ve had my parents nearby my entire life. They’ve lived their lives parallel to mine — always within arms reach. Unlike my childhood, where I was separated from my extended family due to the disease of addiction and my parents’ wise choices to keep me away from it, my childr...

My Italian Family: Part 1 — Sundays at Nonna’s!

I am a proud, pure-blooded Italian. My family is the foundation of who I am, with both sides playing a huge part of my upbringing. Over the course of the next few weeks, I’m going to write about my life with my Italian family, focusing on different parts for each article. It’s going to b...

Redefining Family in the 21st Century

Have you ever stopped to think about what the word “family” really means to you? It’s a term that’s been undergoing a bit of a transformation lately, and honestly, it’s about time. Gone are the days when family was strictly defined by blood ties and traditional bon...

The Art of Dumpling Making: A Family Legacy Unfolded

Growing up, the kitchen was always the heart of our home, a place where the aromas of garlic, ginger, and scallions mingled with laughter, stories, and sometimes, the inevitable tears from chopping onions. It was here, amid the cacophony of sizzling woks and the rhythmic chopping on wooden boards, t...

Why Do The Women In My Family Insist On Talking About Weight?

I’ve had an up and down relationship with my weight since childhood. I developed an eating disorder in my teens that plagued me until my early twenties when I was, with the help of counselling, able to get a grip on it. Since then, it’s reared its ugly head from time to time, but overall...