The Myth of the Nuclear Family is a Grift

<p>Other countries don&#39;t talk about family values because it is a given. Most other societies practice a much more utilitarian approach to families as well and it seems to be working outfkr then just fine considering that don&#39;t have to spend so much time convincing everyone to participate. We lock our beloved relatives away, and even in progressive states like Massachusetts the state just takes their house if Goddess forbid they need long term medicine or nursing home insurance. Then they are tucked away and at the mercy of shower is running the place. I don&#39;t want to get into the disgusting and ample examples of the colorful varieties of abuses they are open to face but it isn&#39;t a rarity, and at any rate even decent establishments end up being a cold and sterile destination for the old.</p> <p><a href=""><strong>Website</strong></a></p>
Tags: Nuclear Family