My Late Family Financier

<p>The drive to be a self-supporting artist led me to pursue independent study during the summer with &ldquo;working artists.&rdquo; I slowly built up a portfolio which by graduation was lacking by graduate art school standards and so in 1967, rejected by graduate schools I had applied to and armed with what I felt was a worthless degree, I resigned to going back to art school, to build up a portfolio.</p> <p>My new efforts at career preparation required funding. Going back to my father for any financing, or borrowing, was not an option. Our family income level ruled out applying for financial aid. Mother, who in 1968, had successfully purchased and rehabbed a gift shop, came up with an idea: why not co-sign a bank loan to help pay for my art school? She knew the President of the local bank and trust company, where she banked.</p> <p><a href=""><strong>Click Here</strong></a></p>