How I Avoided the Asian Family Drama at My Wedding

<p>So before I rant about the Asian family drama that happens whenever someone gets engaged and the things you can do to prevent that, let me share with you a few factors that I had absolutely&nbsp;<strong>no control</strong>&nbsp;over that&nbsp;<strong>helped me</strong>&nbsp;avoid a lot of that stuff.</p> <h2>Being the youngest</h2> <p>Both my husband and I are the youngest in the family and we have sisters. He has one and I have two. And as the youngest, there&rsquo;s definitely a lot less pressure to meet family and social expectations. Both sides had already been through a wedding and got their needs met, itches scratched, anxieties dampened, traditions fulfilled. So by the time the youngest offspring decides to get hitched, it&rsquo;s anti-climactic. They&rsquo;re more interested in the grandkids than the actual wedding.</p> <p><a href=""><strong>Visit Now</strong></a></p>
Tags: Family Drama