Tag: Emotional

Fostering Human Connection by Emotional Outsourcing?

On Feb. 16, 2023, many of Vanderbilt University students felt sick and disgusted when they received an email from their Associate Dean of the EDI office. Why? What Turned a Caring Letter into a Careless Word Jumble? The culprit was a short note at the bottom of the email that turn...

Is Your Understanding of Emotional Labor Helping or Harming Your Relationship?

I had a conversation the other day with one of my cousins about relationship dynamics. We appeared to have differing perspectives when it came to the expectation of nurture and emotional support between partners (I want to point out that while our conversation was focused on cis/hetero relationships...

11 behaviours that make people respect you more

I’ve learned a lot about human behaviour through years of awkwardness. People don’t need to know very much about you to make a snap judgement about the kind of person you are. You can take advantage of this by making a few subtle shifts in your everyday behaviour. These will imp...

The 5 Lesser-Known Books to Gain Emotional Regulation and Upgrade Your Soft Skills

I am not a voracious reader. But when I read, I do it with intent. For me, books are not just a means to consume information. They are a bridge to connect with people. To immerse in the lives and experiences of characters and authors alike. Books hold a unique power to help us unearth our inne...

Stellar Conundrums: Space as a Metaphor for Emotional Distance

Ah, space! The boundless cosmos — a kaleidoscopic dance of stars, galaxies, and swirling mysteries. A realm so overwhelming, it might just have you contemplating the incomprehensible vastness of your own emotional universe. Dear reader, let’s embark on an epic quest, fueled by audacity a...

Unlocking the Chains of Emotional Blackmail: The Narcissist’s Favorite Tool

Emotional blackmail is a narcissist’s best-kept secret weapon, a manipulative technique aimed at trapping you. Unveil its mechanisms and arm yourself with the tools to sever these invisible chains.   Unraveling the complex web of emotional blackmail can set you on the path to em...

How to Use the Serenity Prayer to Build Extraordinary Emotional Strength

However, after going to prison, he didn’t turn bitter. He didn’t lose hope. Instead, he focused and poured all of his energy into the legal battle. It took a grueling 19 years and two trials, but the verdict was overturned. But when Rubin was out of prison, he didn’t file any ci...

Why You Need Emotional Boundaries in a World of Uncertain Human Connection

You need to take notice when someone appears inconsistent and unreliable in their interactions. Despite intense or passionate moments together, behavior marked by evasiveness, mixed signals, and a lack of commitment are neon warning signs. But profound lessons can be learned even In the face of conf...

The Most Revealing Sign of Emotional Immaturity in a Partner

Emotional maturity is the work of a lifetime. So it’s a big ask to expect it of yourself, let alone anyone else, when you’re still learning who you are as a person and as a partner. But it’s also fair to say that a lack of emotional maturity will hold you back in every area o...

The Days of a Solopreneur: Emotional Snapshot

You can’t really lose your shit in the office. You can, but you can’t. Meaning, you probably won’t. There’ll be consequences you won’t like. There’s peer pressure. There’s an HR department. You have to behave a certain way, no matter how you feel. You ...

You Need Healthier Emotional Boundaries If You Experience These 8 Signs

Our emotional boundaries are the very things that determine what (and who) we allow into our lives, where our energy is focused, and what types of treatment we are willing to accept from others. Often, a lack of self-worth can cause us to lower our standards and loosen our boundaries. As a result...

My Emotional Pain and Shame of Sexual Abuse

It took courage to open up and share a small part of my story — So I wish to thank you for taking the time to read and in doing so, taking part of this load from me. I also wish to thank a friend I have made on Medium,  Shanti C K , for her own painful vulnerability in opening up wh...

How to Unlock the Emotional Core of Motivation

Did you know that 80% of New Year’s resolutions fail by February? No, it’s not because people lack logical plans or willpower. The invisible ingredient most people overlook is the emotional core of motivation. Without it, even the best-laid plans are bound to fall apart. Under...

The Hidden Emotional Reasons Why I Burned Out

“I think you might be heading for a burnout.” A colleague pointed out after hearing me a few times say that I’m tired. I hadn’t even thought about that until she mentioned it. It isn’t my first time experiencing burnout, and I’m always shocked at how I ha...

Harnessing the Power of Empathy: Why Emotional Intelligence is the New IQ

Intro: The Evolution of Intelligence Metrics Allow me to guide you through an enlightening journey. Gone are the days when IQ tests were the definitive measure of human intelligence. In today’s interconnected and emotionally complex world, Emotional Intelligence (EQ) is emerging as the new ...

The Interplay of Burnout, Gaslighting, and Emotional Intelligence in the Workplace

Burnout is one of the top trends that will shape the workplace this year, according to a recent story by CNBC. This proliferation is especially concerning in a tight labor market. Unemployment remains low, employers are experiencing increasing attrition, and the war on talent continues to wage ...

The Emotional Rollercoaster of Startup Failure

It was a dream come true when my best friends Fermin, Nicolas and I embarked on a journey to create a marketplace for the tattoo industry. Our vision was simple yet ambitious: connect tattoo artists with their audience, facilitating a seamless connection between clients and creators. We designed ...

Emotional Intelligence: The Key to Becoming a Good Leader

Have you experienced seeing a really smart colleague promoted to a leader only to fail because of an inability to connect with people, lack of empathy and struggles with listening skills? Compare this to an individual with good (not excellent) technical skills and exceptional Emotional Intelligen...

My Emotional Opera House and What Feelings I Allow In It

I can’t remember when I decided I liked Opera. It seems it was decided for me when I began to release the young-minded ideas that modern music was the only option. My mom, always the supporter, bought me an Andrea Bocelli CD shortly after high school. I listened to it often and could feel m...

Ask Lewis: Zen Meditation for Emotional Healing

Love and hate and an entire array of feelings, passions, and sensibilities all reflect what we classify as emotions. To function in the world, you must understand, integrate, and express these feelings. Your ability to be in touch with and express emotion plays a large part in the types of choices y...

Do Emotional Support Animals Really Support Mental Health?

I moved to San Francisco in 1990, the same year that President George Bush signed the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA). At the time, seeing a non-human mammal in a restaurant or street car was an anomaly. In the three decades since then, our urban landscapes have changed dramatically. We now co...

The Emotional double standard: When men call women “Too emotional” in the workplace

Scene: A conference room in a global company, somewhere in the city, remote and on-site in the same time. The Head of Department XY, a woman, speaks assertively during a meeting about work progress, tasks and other work related thigs. The room goes silent as a male colleague responds, accusing her o...

Am I a Trans Girl?

Of all my emotional battles, from quietly dealing with schizophrenia to being drowned in my empathy, none has been as brutal as my conflict over how I identify myself. I was raised in a chaotic environment. I spent half my time under the watch of my hellfire Baptist grandfather and the other half...

An Intense and Emotional Connection

Step into the world where Scorpio and Taurus, firmly grounded in the Earth element, weave a tale of intensity, passion, and steadfastness. Scorpio’s magnetic and mysterious nature meets Taurus’ stability, sensuality, and loyalty, creating a unique connection that transcends the realms...

ADHD And The Magic 2 Seconds of Emotional Regulation

ADHD tends to be synonymous with inattention, impulsivity and hyperactivity. Yet for many people with ADHD, the biggest impact is in the area of emotional regulation. Emotional regulation is a major dimension of executive functioning, the mechanism in the brain normally associated with attention,...

Alexithymia, Interoception and The Murky Emotional Stew

My mother used to cook a dish made by stewing lamb chops with vegetables until it all became a grayish-brown slop. The ingredients were indistinguishable, their color and flavor long gone. I hated it. My heart would sink when I learned that was to be the evening meal. The most I could hope for wa...

The Science of Emotional Regulation

In plain language, the ability to “look within”, or perceive our internal experiences, make sense of them for ourselves, then describe them to others in a way they can understand. The foundation for introspection or surveying our internal feelings is interoception: the abili...

There Are Two Ways To Implement Social-Emotional Learning — Only One Is Right

Here’s the sad truth that applies to 95% of you who teach Social-Emotional learning (SEL) techniques in your classroom. You are doing it all wrong! Not only that, but every resource you have used or given to you by your district has it all wrong, too. Why? Because most people who c...

An Emotional Haircut

Last week, I got my hair cut. I go to a local lady, just over the bridge; she works out of a converted shipping container in the back garden. Like most hairdressers, she has a different colour and style every time I see her. I like going, whereas in the past I have hated going to the hairdressers al...