How to Unlock the Emotional Core of Motivation

<p>Did you know that&nbsp;<a href="" rel="noopener ugc nofollow" target="_blank">80% of New Year&rsquo;s resolutions fail by February</a>?</p> <p>No, it&rsquo;s not because people lack logical plans or willpower. The invisible ingredient most people overlook is the emotional core of motivation. Without it, even the best-laid plans are bound to fall apart.</p> <p>Understanding your emotional core is more than just a feel-good concept. It&rsquo;s the cornerstone of sustained drive and productivity. The engine that keeps your motivational car running long after the superficial gas of logic and willpower has run out.</p> <p>I know all too well how easy it is to get excited at the start of the project and then find this excitement is not enough to see me through to completion. I&rsquo;ve lost countless opportunities that way.</p> <p>That&rsquo;s why I set aside 2 years to study how to unlock my personal genius to stay motivated and focused on building the dream life I have always wanted.</p> <p>Why should you keep reading? This article contains most of my findings in my search for continued focus and motivation. I hope it will provide an immediate roadmap to unlock your emotional core, fuel your motivation, and transform your life &mdash; no more relying on fleeting bursts of energy or waiting for external circumstances to ignite your drive.</p> <p><a href=""><strong>Learn More</strong></a></p>