How to Use the Serenity Prayer to Build Extraordinary Emotional Strength

<p>However, after going to prison, he didn&rsquo;t turn bitter. He didn&rsquo;t lose hope. Instead, he focused and poured all of his energy into the legal battle. It took a grueling 19 years and two trials, but the verdict was overturned.</p> <p>But when Rubin was out of prison, he didn&rsquo;t file any civil suit to recover damages. He didn&rsquo;t even demand an apology from the court. He simply resumed his life. Of course, he didn&rsquo;t want to be imprisoned for a crime he didn&rsquo;t commit. But it happened &mdash; and he had no control over that. What he did have control over was himself. And hence, he chose not to feel harmed by it.</p> <p>Rubin Carter&rsquo;s life is the most extraordinary example of the Serenity prayer. He accepted what he couldn&rsquo;t change. He acted on what he could. And most importantly, he knew the difference.</p> <p>For the longest time, I too have used the Serenity Prayer as a mental model to cultivate emotional strength.</p> <p>It helped me when I broke both my arms after an accident. It helped me when I didn&rsquo;t get into my dream college. And it helped me when my girlfriend of 3.5 years &mdash; the one I hoped to marry &mdash; broke up with me.</p> <p><a href="">Website</a></p>