ADHD And The Magic 2 Seconds of Emotional Regulation

<p>ADHD tends to be synonymous with inattention, impulsivity and hyperactivity. Yet for many people with ADHD, the biggest impact is in the area of emotional regulation.</p> <p>Emotional regulation is a major dimension of executive functioning, the mechanism in the brain normally associated with attention, planning and memory. Surprisingly, emotional regulation issues are not included in the diagnostic criteria for ADHD, but&nbsp;<a href="" rel="noopener ugc nofollow" target="_blank">experts</a>&nbsp;are advocating for its inclusion.</p> <p>As a result, emotional regulation is often overlooked as an indicator of ADHD. Yet the failure to recognise emotional regulation as central to ADHD has resulted in many people falling through the cracks without getting the support they need.</p> <p><a href=""><strong>Visit Now</strong></a></p>