Tag: Election

Election 2024 Update: Cornel Rising

Most Americans turn on the news and hear that Joe Biden and Donald Trump keep trading the lead in the 2024 campaign for President. The story that the media keeps missing is the slow and steady rise of Cornel West. A recent McLaughlin & Associates poll found Cornel West increasing his support ...

Are Our Elderly U.S. Politicians Getting Too Old for Re-election?

On September 8, 2023, Nancy Pelosi confirmed her intention to seek reelection to her seat in the House of Representatives. Should she? Nancy Pelosi is 83 years old, and many would argue that her age should be a prohibitive factor in her seeking reelection, for many reasons. While I’m an all...

The Forgotten Election That Altered Global History

In the annals of history, some moments rise to the fore, capturing the attention of historians and enthusiasts alike, while others, equally pivotal, lie shrouded in the shadows of collective memory. Among these lesser-illuminated events is the forgotten election of 1519, a pivotal moment that took p...

The issues defining this election

Liberal Treasurer Matt Kean, Labor Shadow Minister Greg Warren, Greens MP Jenny Leong and Lane Cove independent candidate Victoria Davidson answered our questions on where they stand on the major issues. Our full conversations are available at these links: Greg ...

An Election Victory That’s Larger Than Politics

On November 7, 2023, I watched television from my home in rural Iowa, awaiting the official declaration that Yusef Salaam had won a seat representing Harlem on the New York City Council. There was no doubt Salaam would win the seat since he ran unopposed. My excitement, therefore, had nothing to do ...

2024 Presidential Election Predictions Astrology

The United States will hold a presidential election on November 5, 2024. As of December 2023, Ballotpedia has identified three noteworthy Democratic presidential candidates, seven noteworthy Republican candidates, and four candidates from third parties or running as independents. Democr...

Another under-the-radar election with huge implications for democracy

We’ve got some exciting news: We’re launching a new campaign to keep the Pennsylvania Supreme Court out of MAGA hands! Most people probably haven’t heard about the November Supreme Court election, but it’s a must-win race with serious implications for abortion access and voti...

Election Day 5:59 am

Val and Pete, Election Inspectors, District 11, one Republican and one Democrat as required by law, sat at a heavy folding table in an upstate firehouse awaiting the health aides, Walmart shift workers, and DPW guys who always lined up to vote first thing. Val, Pete, and the team of volunteers fr...

The Real Election Just Started

Joe Biden and Nikki Haley are running on the exact same issue. The Biden campaign released an ad that features Haley questioning Trump’s sanity, after his repetition of her name over and over again when he meant Nancy Pelosi. It’s pretty damning. This is the point where the gloves are...

Republicans are Firing or Intimidating Local Election Officials

Today, I want to talk about a very serious issue — county election staffs. This was prompted by the wholesale resignation of the election staff of Buckingham County, Virginia. There is now no way in that county to register to vote or register a candidacy if you wish to run for office. ...

Important Question for everyone (AI / election season/s)

A national news anchor said yesterday, “I’ve never encountered AI in the wild”… I said to the screen, “If you’ve looked at social media you have”. That’s the truth, every internet search and pretty much every feed you consume is crafted using artifici...

How America’s Forever Wars Might Cost Biden the Election

InIran, 530 people were killed and more than 22,000 arrested when young Iranians raised their fists in anger in the streets of Iran’s major cities over the death of a woman, Mahsa Amini in September 2022. Amini had been detained by Iranian religious police for improperly wearing a headscarf, o...

“Sleeper Agents” and the Integrity of the 2024 US Election.

Generative AI is often seen as the hottest new computer technology on the market, promising to revolutionize every aspect of our lives, from entertainment, to the future of work, to the advancement and automation of healthcare services. While it remains to be seen whether such assessments are justif...

Five Lessons from Election Night

On election night 2021, Michelle Wu kicked off her victory speech, “So one of my sons asked me the other night if boys can be elected mayor in Boston.” Now that’s an opener. When our colleague Kate Childs Graham shared this speech with me, she astutely pointed out how Wu refer...

2024 Presidential Election Predictions Astrology

The United States will hold a presidential election on November 5, 2024. As of December 2023, Ballotpedia has identified three noteworthy Democratic presidential candidates, seven noteworthy Republican candidates, and four candidates from third parties or running as independents. Democr...

Stubb Wins First Round of Finland’s Presidential Election

Here are the key facts of this story, as agreed upon by ¹Tulospalvelu, ²Reuters, ³Helsinki Times, ⁴Euronews and ⁵President of the Republic of Finland. Following the completion of preliminary calculations, former Prime Minister Alexander Stubb has w...

Another Election Nobody Wants

This quote is attributed to the great American humorist, Mark Twain. Whether or not he said it, it rings true. 2024 is in full swing, and I’m already exhausted. For those who aren’t political junkies, I envy you. I can’t help myself to follow when candidates drop out of th...

PML-N’s 2024 Election Manifesto: Critical Analysis

The PML-N’s electoral manifesto for the 2024 elections lays forth a comprehensive vision with a set of major issues targeted at tackling many aspects of Pakistan’s growth. The manifesto proposes a wide range of initiatives, from assuring inexpensive and expanded electricity to accelerati...

We’re obsessed with the president

For most people, we are about as far away from election season as any other time in our 4-year gauntlet of family members arguing and coalescing around one of the two major political parties on facebook. About 25% of the population, however, has been paying a bit more attention, and has figured out ...

The Power of One Vote

In 2019 I had just moved to Boston and was voting in my first local City Council election. I went to forums and candidate events to make sure I knew who shared my values. In Boston you vote for a district councilor and then vote for your top four choices for the four at-large city-wide seats. That y...

2024 Taiwan Election: Exit-poll in Taoyuan City — Research Data

Based on Doublethink Lab’s previous research, reports and observation, the strategy of information manipulation in Taiwan has shifted towards conspiracy types of narrative making it more challenging to debunk. These conspiratorial narratives also further establish and reinforce cognitive bias ...

I’m Very Worried About the 2024 Presidential Election

Those who have experienced an earthquake know the queasy feeling you get after even a minor tremor. Your senses don’t quite know how to handle it when the world itself begins to buck and roll. You enter into a holding pattern of pre-panic because some mechanism of self-preservation understands...

Social Media Influencers: A New Tool for Political Parties To Win 2024 Elections

Now social media influencers have become a powerful tool to try and shape voter behavior. Thus, major political parties in India are collaborating with social media influencers to target India’s vast online population of 752 million for the upcoming 2024 general election. Hundreds of social...

Why Democrats Should Ask Biden to Step Down

Although I’m actively engaged in politics (as an advocate for election reforms and a member of the Forward Party), I’m already tired of daily news about the 2024 Presidential election. I’ll bet you are, too. The prospect of a Biden/Trump rematch is not just boring; it indicates tha...

The November 8th Election — An Election Like No Other

The 24/7 talking heads are covering the November 8th election just as they always have. They look at the icing but ignore the cake. They see this as just another midterm election. They use the polls as a crutch but fail to explain what’s behind them. They miss the things that are not ...

Important and interesting ridings from this year’s Canadian election

On September 20, Canada entered a federal election called by Prime Minister Justin Trudeau; lots of things happened in the campaign, but not much happened in the result — the Tories, Greens, and People’s Party maintained their seat count of 119, 2, and 0 respectively, while the Liberals ...

Looking through the mirror: representativeness of the Italian party system before the 2018 General Election

Since the late 1980s, political parties entered a path of decreasing trust and confidence. Many reasons contributed to this decline, with the results that, today, the decline of these organisations can be seen from many differ-ent points of observation (Ignazi 2020). One of the reasons behind this d...

Putin’s Election Victory: A Powerful Mandate for the ‘Chinification’ of Russia

He wanted to ensure that no matter what happens next, “ they told him to do it.” The reinvigorated suppression and nationalization of the economy is what “they asked for.” With the image of a powerful mandate, Putin is poised to steer Russia back to a past that many though...

Social Forces that Explains Voters’ Behaviors in Indonesia’s Presidential Election Euphoria

As a human who lives in a society, our choices and views of the world are affected by external things. These things can come in two forms: the physical environment that we understand by analyzing it directly or using it as evidence to support our future choices and the beliefs based on social norms ...