The Real Election Just Started

<p>Joe Biden and Nikki Haley are running on the exact same issue. The Biden campaign released an ad that features Haley questioning Trump&rsquo;s sanity, after his repetition of her name over and over again when he meant Nancy Pelosi. It&rsquo;s pretty damning.</p> <p>This is the point where the gloves are taken off and the one getting the beat down is Trump, and he doesn&rsquo;t know it. It highlights a major flaw in that man&rsquo;s life, the failure to realize that everything he says and does is captured on video or audio.</p> <p>To clarify, he knows that but it means nothing to him and this is his Achilles heel. He believes that simply opening his mouth and babbling wins him support and he does it everywhere he can. But the support he hears is coming from only his cult followers, not from additional voters.</p> <p><a href=""><strong>Read More</strong></a></p>
Tags: Real Election