Election 2024 Update: Cornel Rising

<p>Most Americans turn on the news and hear that Joe Biden and Donald Trump keep trading the lead in the 2024 campaign for President. The story that the media keeps missing is the slow and steady rise of Cornel West.</p> <p>A recent McLaughlin &amp; Associates poll found Cornel West increasing his support nationally to 6% and if you keep digging into the numbers you find trouble for both Joe Biden and Donald Trump.</p> <p>Among undecided voters who are leaning towards a candidate, they are not breaking in favor of Democrats or Republicans. They&rsquo;re supporting the Green Party candidate for President by almost 2 to 1.</p> <p><strong>Support Among Undecided Voters</strong></p> <p>Cornel West 20%<br /> Donald Trump 6%<br /> Joe Biden 5%<br /> Undecided 69%</p> <p>While the vast majority of undecided voters haven&rsquo;t made up their minds yet should this trend hold, it could have a truly dramatic impact on American politics for decades to come.</p> <p>The poll also found significant support for Cornel West among registered independents 12%, Hispanic voters 13%, and notable support 9% among both voters in western states and voters in rural America.</p> <p>Another important result that goes against the mainstream media narrative is that the poll found more Republicans would vote for Cornel West (4%) than Democrats (3%).</p> <p>This is all to say that both major political parties should be watching the Cornel West campaign closely. Should the slow and steady rise for the Green Party candidate continue and grow above 5%, it would ensure for the first time in American history that the Green Party would receive public funding for a presidential election in 2028.</p> <p><a href="https://medium.com/@pldillon720/election-2024-update-cornel-rising-684a259b803"><strong>Learn More</strong></a></p>
Tags: 2024 Election