Putin’s Election Victory: A Powerful Mandate for the ‘Chinification’ of Russia
<p>He wanted to ensure that no matter what happens next, “ they told him to do it.” The reinvigorated suppression and nationalization of the economy is what “they asked for.”</p>
<p>With the image of a powerful mandate, Putin is poised to steer Russia back to a past that many thought was left behind. His deep nostalgia for the communist system, a sentiment he considers the collapse of which to be the most significant event of the 21st century, is driving his actions. He envisions a resurrection of this system, but not without learning from Mikhail Gorbachev’s mistakes. This could potentially lead to a ‘Chinification’ of Russia, a future that should concern us all.</p>
<p><a href="https://brian-kean.medium.com/putins-election-victory-a-powerful-mandate-for-the-chinification-of-russia-665af32f3e3c"><strong>Website</strong></a></p>