Tag: Effect

The Cassandra Effect

Since the 1970s, women have made tremendous gains relative to men in terms of education, labor force participation, pay equity, and occupying positions of power. Of course, inequalities still remain. Despite being sixty percent of college graduates and half of law school and medical school graduates...

How the Butterfly Effect Can Propel You Towards The Life You Want

In December 1972, at the 139th annual meeting of the AAAS (American Association for the Advancement of Science), meteorologist Edward Lorenz posed a question: “Does the flap of a butterfly’s wings in Brazil set off a tornado in Texas?” Well, that’s a metaphor! A...

How the “Butterfly Effect” Can Propel You Towards The Life You Want

In December 1972, at the 139th annual meeting of the AAAS (American Association for the Advancement of Science), meteorologist Edward Lorenz posed a question: “Does the flap of a butterfly’s wings in Brazil set off a tornado in Texas?” Well, that’s a metaphor! A...

The Ownership Effect: Transform Your Leadership Style for Maximum Impact

Navigating today’s more volatile business world often places me in challenging situations, working with teams and processes that have been poorly managed or abandoned by previous leaders. As a fractional demand generation pro, I’ve frequently stepped into situations where the management ...

What Is The Ostrich Effect?

The ostrich effect is a psychological term used to describe a cognitive bias or human behavior in which individuals avoid or ignore information or situations they perceive as negative or threatening. This term is derived from the popular but inaccurate belief that ostriches bury their heads in the s...

The Ownership Effect: Transform Your Leadership Style for Maximum Impact

Navigating today’s more volatile business world often places me in challenging situations, working with teams and processes that have been poorly managed or abandoned by previous leaders. As a fractional demand generation pro, I’ve frequently stepped into situations where the management ...

Beware the Dead Sea Effect at Companies

For a while, my significant other worked at Google. She’s a hard worker at every job she holds (and definitely puts in more work than I do, most days), but her stories about Google make me envious. I won’t go into details, but the company provides stellar perks. Even though she was wo...

How to create a grain effect illustration using Photoshop

When I was young, I used to draw all the time, no matter where I was. At some point, even on the walls of my bedroom (*sorry mom*), but mostly on paper or in note books. It’s just so easy to draw and then zone out. I still doodle in note books, mostly during meetings (*old habits die hard I...

Hit Effect on our Attack

On our particle effect prefab, we want to add a sphere collider. Adjust the sphere collider to the size of the particle effect at your discretion. Once you have the collider set how you like, set the collider to “Is Trigger” because this will trigger the next effect on collision. ...

The Ripple Effect: Unreal Engine Announces Pricing Changes Following Unity

Pricing changes in the world of game development have become a hot topic lately, and the recent news about Unreal Engine’s future pricing has certainly raised eyebrows. Epic Games, dropped some hints about changes to Unreal Engine’s pricing set to roll out in 2024. But before you br...

“The Messi Effect: How Lionel Messi’s Transfer to Miami FC is Elevating Soccer’s Popularity in America”

Football is more than just a sport; it’s a way of life. It allows us to express our suppressed emotions, our thoughts, dreams, hopes, fears, and worries. It brings people together, creating traditions and shared experiences with loved ones and friends. Whether it’s the thrill of victory,...

Stock-ify Wrapped 2023: Charlie Munger, Small Caps, and the January Effect

This is my personal “Stock-ify Wrapped”, or the market-related questions I’ve heard most frequently this past year, highlighted by those seeking advice on what to do with their JFrog stock (having recently transitioned from its Head of Strategy to a new initiative). I’ve been...

The Ripple Effect: How Empowered Women Inspire Change in Others

The retreat was hosted by the Jewish Federations of North America National Women’s Philanthropy Board. It’s an eight-year commitment, and this was my first year attending. There were nineteen of us in the first-year class. It was incredible to be surrounded by women who all want to...

Definition of the Doppler Effect — Astronomy Explained

Have you ever wondered why the sound of a passing ambulance changes as it approaches and then moves away from you? Or why do the stars appear to have different colors depending on their motion relative to us? The answer lies in the definition of the Doppler Effect and how it works. The ...

The Rocket Effect on Earth

What would have happened if a billion people on one side of Earth decided to jump up at the same time? A ten-centimeter jump would kick the Earth in the opposite direction and displace temporarily the rock’s center of mass by roughly the size of an atomic nucleus. When the billion people ...

The Winner effect

Testosterone (yes women too have testosterone) and dopamine play a huge role in the Winner effect. The levels of testosterone rise before the competition begins, but as the competition progresses the testosterone levels of only the winners stay high and those of the losers decrease. There is also a ...

Mean vs Median Causal Effect

However, sometimes we might be interested in quantities different from the average, such as the median. The median is an alternative measure of central tendency that is more robust to outliers and is often more informative with skewed distributions. More generally, we might ...

(Legal) Cannabis and the “Entourage Effect”

In this article, Your Author will delve into the heart of a recent groundbreaking study. The work shines a light on the almost endless interconnected compounds within cannabis — and how their collective actions create its’ diverse Medical potential. By exploring the nuances of...

Cannabis and Its Effect on Anxiety.

Cannabis has been touted as a natural treatment for anxiety. However, research has not yet shown that these products help, and some studies suggest that the new generation of higher-potency cannabis products may even worsen users’ anxiety symptoms. A recent study published found that Canadi...

The Unfair Advantage of Looking Good — The How | The Halo Effect. 1964. Solomon. Asch.

If you were the Evil Queen in Snow White, I'm sure you would know it's normally “beautiful” you have to ask. But we aren't in Snow White, and that's the substitution most people make! The Halo Effect is a cognitive bias whereby upon observing a positive trait in someon...

Design Theft and its Effect on Creativity in the Fashion Industry

In the modern fashion industry, a rise in popularity of fast fashion brands has brought on a concerning trend: the blatant theft of designs created by individual fashion creators and brands. This not only infringes upon the rights of the original designers (whether legally or not), but it also perpe...

The Impact of Media and Advertising on Beauty Standards of Facial and Body Features and Its Effect on Youth

Influence of Media and Advertising on Beauty Standards: • Media outlets, including magazines, television, social media, and advertisements, often promote narrow and unrealistic standards of beauty. • Images of flawless facial features and perfectly sculpted bodies inundate these plat...

The Lipstick Effect: How Marketing Can Boost Your Brand’s Power

In the world of marketing, there’s a phenomenon known as the “lipstick effect” — a curious trend where consumers turn to small indulgences, like buying lipstick, during times of economic uncertainty. But the lipstick effect goes beyond just cosmetics; it represents the power ...