The Ripple Effect: Unreal Engine Announces Pricing Changes Following Unity

<p>Pricing changes in the world of game development have become a&nbsp;<a href="" rel="noopener">hot topic lately</a>, and the recent news about Unreal Engine&rsquo;s future pricing has certainly raised eyebrows. Epic Games, dropped some hints about changes to Unreal Engine&rsquo;s pricing set to roll out in 2024. But before you break a sweat, let us break it down for you!</p> <p>First off, if you&rsquo;re a game developer using Unreal Engine, you&rsquo;re in the clear. You&rsquo;ll keep paying for your license based on how well your game does. Learners and educators can still use Unreal Engine for free while a benchmark on revenue has been set for indie filmmakers and small creators&rsquo; projects, the benchmark itself is yet to be disclosed!</p> <p>Things will be different however if you&rsquo;re in industries like film or automotive, as Epic Games is set to introduce per-seat pricing. It&rsquo;s like subscribing to Photoshop &mdash; pay for the seats you need.</p> <p>Epic Games&rsquo; CEO, Tim Sweeney, shared this news at Unreal Fest, where they also discussed some significant company shifts, including layoffs and selling off&nbsp;<a href="" rel="noopener ugc nofollow" target="_blank">Bandcamp</a>&nbsp;and SuperAwesome.</p> <p><a href=""><strong>Visit Now</strong></a></p>
Tags: Ripple Effect