The Unfair Advantage of Looking Good — The How | The Halo Effect. 1964. Solomon. Asch.

<p>If you were the Evil Queen in Snow White, I&#39;m sure you would know it&#39;s normally &ldquo;beautiful&rdquo; you have to ask. But we aren&#39;t in Snow White, and that&#39;s the substitution most people make!</p> <p>The Halo Effect is a cognitive bias whereby upon observing a positive trait in someone (or something) we tend to infer other positive qualities upon the person (or thing). One classic experiment that demonstrates the Halo Effect in psychology is the study conducted by Asch in 1946. In the experiment, participants were shown a series of photographs of individuals and asked to rate them on various personality traits. The catch&mdash;I know you guessed there was one&mdash;was that the participants were shown either an attractive or unattractive photograph of the same person, in a random way.</p> <p><a href=""><strong>Click Here</strong></a></p>
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