The Winner effect

<p>Testosterone (yes women too have testosterone) and dopamine play a huge role in the Winner effect. The levels of testosterone rise before the competition begins, but as the competition progresses the testosterone levels of only the winners stay high and those of the losers decrease. There is also a dopamine boost when you achieve a feeling of success.</p> <p>This also applies to humans. Now we might not find ourselves fighting physically that often, but we compete in our own ways for success, however you might want to define it.</p> <p>Now there are some disadvantages to winning all the time which can lead to overconfidence and bad decisions, but we are not going to discuss that. Instead, let&rsquo;s see how we can use the winner effect to our advantage in our daily lives to gain motivation and confidence.</p> <p><a href=""><strong>Learn More</strong></a></p>
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