How to create a grain effect illustration using Photoshop

<p>When I was young, I used to draw all the time, no matter where I was. At some point, even on the walls of my bedroom (*sorry mom*), but mostly on paper or in note books. It&rsquo;s just so easy to draw and then zone out.</p> <p>I still doodle in note books, mostly during meetings (*old habits die hard I guess*), but it made me realise, even in a world where we all design with computers, its something I shouldn&rsquo;t stop doing.</p> <p>I started doodling a picture of my two cats who love to play in the garden. I&rsquo;ve created a couple of illustrations over the last couple of months and shown them to my colleagues at Big Radical for feedback. Which thankfully, has been good. However, they were mostly curious as to what the process was to create the images. So here we go&nbsp;<a href="" rel="noopener ugc nofollow" target="_blank">Dan</a>, here is the process behind the illustrations. (Although remember what works for me won&rsquo;t necessarily work for you &mdash; but it&rsquo;s a good guide).</p> <p><a href=""><strong>Click Here</strong></a></p>