Design Theft and its Effect on Creativity in the Fashion Industry

<p>In the modern fashion industry, a rise in popularity of fast fashion brands has brought on a concerning trend: the blatant theft of designs created by individual fashion creators and brands. This not only infringes upon the rights of the original designers (whether legally or not), but it also perpetuates the idea that plagiarism is acceptable. This is, of course, morally wrong, but it also undermines the innovation of the original designers. The constant demand for new and fresh ideas puts an impossible pressure on smaller fashion businesses to keep up with said demands, while simultaneously encouraging the mass production of cheaply made versions of those designs by larger companies. By examining the ethical implications and consequences of fast fashion brands and their reputation of design thievery, I argue that we can then better understand the urgency to change, and create a more sustainable and respectful approach to fashion.</p> <p><a href=""><strong>Visit Now</strong></a></p>