Tag: Anxiety

5 Little Habits to Eliminate Anxiety From Your Life Forever

Psychology today states that 31% of US adults alone experience an anxiety disorder at some point in their life and globally the number is on the rise. Anxiety was a means of being aware of your surroundings to be able to ward off predators and survive. A healthy amount of anxiety is good the i...

The 5-Minute Exercise to Overcome Task Anxiety

It turns out that beating procrastination has everything to do with managing our feelings and little with managing our time. I used to think time-blocking tasks in google calendar was the missing piece to not procrastinate. But time management skills don’t address the core issue — tas...

4 Ways to Lower Chronic Anxiety for Good

Unfortunately, many approaches to dealing with anxiety actually make it worse in the long-run because they only address the symptoms of anxiety and unintentionally reinforce the underlying causes. For example: Positive self-talk and affirmations can make you feel better in the moment, ...

The Book That Helped Me To Conquer Social Anxiety

I walked into my English Literature class wearing a shirt stained with blood. Everyone looked at me as if I had returned from a horrific crime scene. But the truth was much more innocent: I’d just visited the dentist and didn’t have time to change into a new shirt. I thought a pa...

How Social Anxiety Made Me a Better Person

In 1969, a kid has red eyes as a result of a genetic condition called ocular albinism, and he’s called a “devil child” by almost everyone in his more conservative Catholic school. Some of his teachers actually believe he’s a devil child. He’s bullied mercilessly. He ...

Moving Past Automation Replacement Anxiety

As an ardent believer in automation, I utilize AI in my job. When I have the financial means, I invest in shares of automation companies. I fervently hold the belief that automation and AI will lead to a new industrial revolution. Now that I have acknowledged my bias, I aim to present an unbiased, y...

Sailing Away from Climate Anxiety

In my 25 years as a sailor I have witnessed the awesome power of storms at sea from vessels large and small. Spend enough time sailing and, one way or another, you will find yourself in a storm, struggling to survive each individual wave. You’ll find yourself thinking, as the boat heels over f...

Neuroscience’s Best-Kept Secret for Combating Anxiety

As a full-time coach, I connect with people daily to understand what prevents them from reaching their goals. Two culprits consistently surface — overthinking and anxiety. Of course, these words can mean very different things depending on the person. But one thing remains the same: most ...

Decoding “Anxiety” — A Neuroscience Perspective

The limbic part of our brain which has been there with us since primitive times has an area called the ‘amygdala’ that triggers a fear network whenever it detects something dangerous and life-threatening in our environment. You know when you get anxious you can’t focus on a...

Difference Between Anxiety And Stress

In the fast-paced world we live in, it’s easy to use the terms “anxiety” and “stress” interchangeably. They are two sides of the same coin, yet they are not the same. While both experiences share some similarities, understanding the key differences between ...

How to Make Peace With Eco-Anxiety

A year ago, I struggled with eco-anxiety so much that I had become a downer in my social circles. I was trying to sensitize people around me about the impact of their diet, their fast fashion habits, or their choice to take a business seat when flying. My fear of an apocalyptic future crippled me to...

A User’s Guide to ADHD With Anxiety

Many people, including some doctors I know, view ADHD and anxiety as incompatible. They mischaracterize all of those who have ADHD as happy-go-lucky daydreamers who intrude without a second thought into the personal space and conversations of others. How could someone like that be anxious? To be ...

Science will likely never find a safe drug for anxiety.

My aunt takes gabapentin every night to sleep. She tried several times to quit, failed each time, and resigned herself to taking it for life. I’m failing to believe the “non-addictive” line. Insomnia runs in my family, I’ve had a lifelong struggle with it, myself. I took a...

Cannabis and Its Effect on Anxiety.

Cannabis has been touted as a natural treatment for anxiety. However, research has not yet shown that these products help, and some studies suggest that the new generation of higher-potency cannabis products may even worsen users’ anxiety symptoms. A recent study published found that Canadi...

Single dose of LSD provides immediate and sustained anxiety relief

Following decades of demonisation and criminalisation, psychedelic drugs are being proved to have profound implications for a field that’s seen few pharmacological advancements since the 60s. Namely the treatment of intractable conditions such as depression, PTSD, and addiction, which time ...

LSD Anxiety Treatment: A New Era for Anxiety Management

The Game-Changer: Understanding MM120’s Breakthrough Designation The landscape of GAD treatment is on the brink of a revolutionary shift with the U.S. Food and Drug Administration's (FDA) breakthrough therapy designation for MM120, a medication based on LSD. This novel therapy heralds a...

How psilocybin, the psychedelic in mushrooms, may rewire the brain to ease depression, anxiety and more

Depression and anxiety are among the most common and debilitating mental health conditions in the world. According to the World Health Organization, more than 264 million people suffer from depression globally, and nearly 800,000 people die by suicide every year. Anxiety disorders affect about 284 m...

How Apocalyptic Anxiety is contributing to our obsession with our bodies

If you’ve been online at all in the past five years, you might have noticed that Generation Z, the group of people born between 1996 and 2010, is obsessed with looking good. From lookmaxxing and mewing to TikTok shop peddling all sorts of janky beauty products. There’s self-care Sunda...