Tag: While

Stay Technical While Leading Your Team

Engineers want their manager to deeply understand their work, resolve blockers, and provide technical guidance. Therefore, it’s important to stay technical as an engineering manager. But how do you do that while managing a team? One approach is to be a manager who also codes. Initially, ...

Top 3 Paints to Use While Painting a Cardboard

Cardboard is one of the most versatile, most affordable and easiest products to use for crafting. Whether you are recycling old cardboard to create a new craft or to make a signboard, you can surely never go wrong with cardboard. Though cardboards can easily be bent, shaped, and cut, painting them c...

Running DBT on Databricks while using dbt_external_tables package to utilize Snowflake Tables

This article highlights a specific use case where one might need to run dbt on Databricks while utilizing tables in Snowflake. Typically, dbt runs on top of the database where it is instantiated. However, if a table needed to run dbt in Databricks does not exist in the hive-metastore and instead exi...

Something I’ve Learned About Myself While on Vacation

I want to share a brief story of what happened last night in Dublin. It began with me being hungry — and I am often hungry. I pulled up the Happy Cow app on my phone, which I’ve been using to find vegan restaurants in the places I’ve visited. While it doesn’t work g...

Five Things I Learned while Bartending in Ireland

As an American tending bar in Dublin, Ireland in 1989, I learned many interesting things about Irish culture and language. I also experienced many of the social nuances found in many Irish pubs. Some of the traditions were archaic and fading but some were still practiced quite frequently. ...

Where to get tipsy while parenting in San Francisco

I don’t want this to be the story that launched a thousand child protective services cases, but I can’t think of a time in my life when an alcoholic beverage looked more desirable than when I was chasing toddlers around the house. Obviously, we should indulge in moderation. Parenting ...

A Few Thoughts on Travel

Sometimes, I hate travel. I hate it when I miss the train, I hate it when trains cancel on me TWICE, I hate it when I go to a restaurant and realize that it’s overpriced, I hate the exhausting feeling of carrying my stuff on my back while wandering around the city. But travel has its perks,...

Our Children Are Begging For Their Lives, While Authorities Make Excuses and Continue Cooking Their Planet

There clearly are no responsible adults in positions of authority and haven’t been for decades. Because for decades, climate scientists have been sounding the alarm that there is a climate crisis and it requires us to slash fossil fuel emissions to prevent climate collapse. And our leaders nev...

Lessons I Learned while Walking The Camino

Walking the Camino de Santiago is unlike any other hike I have ever done. It is one of the toughest physical challenges I have ever experienced. Mistakes were made but now I know better, and yes, I would do it again. It’s the adrenaline rush when you cross the finish line of a grueling maratho...

The Rich Are Getting Richer While Everyone Else is Getting Poorer — This is the Real Reason Why

Ever since the 1970s, the gap between the wealthy and everyone else has been rising rapidly, in the process, reversing a century of progress towards wealthy quality. For example, the Centre for Social Justice has found that the UK is on course for a Victorian-era style wealth gap, with ...

What could be better than making money while qualifying for airdrops??? how it does? let’s see!

it’s a pretty good period in which you can see ixes here and there, and wherever you look, regardless of whether it’s cosmos, eth, solana, avax, etc., everywhere there’s only talk of airdrops… some more pompous than others and with worthy ideas could qualify for oscar! the ...

How To Become a Millionaire While Drinking Beer on the Beach

We’re sitting at one of the beachfront restaurants with our toes in the sand sipping Tecates and playing Tock. Tock is a French-Canadian card game that takes a little concentration. I’m partners with Mark, while Marie and Trish are our opponents. Mark keeps breaking his concentration to ...

Build a team while you…build a team!?

According to a study on culture and motivation, play, purpose, and potential are 3 of the top 6 reasons people work. We think that hiring through Applied has a positive impact on the three simply by how the Applied Sift works. Working remotely has made people feel further away from their tea...

Managing while being affected by trauma

However, as a manager, even in expressing a simple statement, I have to be careful that I’m not expecting non-managers to manage my feelings, and be careful not to share or imply political statements or other things that a non-manager might feel uncomfortable confronting me about. Simple state...

The Time I Came Out While Dancing To Britney

Carrying around a secret is bad for your mental health. I’m an expert in this. For years, I struggled with reconciling being gay and being afraid of sharing this with anyone in my life. Fearing that if anyone knew, I would end up another statistic in the LGBTQIA homeless youth crisis or worse....

Why Ban “Divisive” Teachings While Protecting Divisive Confederate Monuments?

In a previous article, I compared recent attempts by conservative legislatures to pass laws prohibiting the teaching of American history that emphasizes the systemic oppression of Black people by white people to attempts by American anti-abolitionists to limit the dissemination of abolitionist teach...

Do not perceive me! Some thoughts on the phenomenon

Scrolling on the explore page of instagram this morning I came across a post of a young person posing, captioned something like ‘trying not to be perceived’. It’s a sentiment that has been around on the internet for a little while, variations of ‘do not perceive me!&rsqu...

Do You Feel Sleepy While Meditating

My first meditation experience was with Reiki during my teenage days. I was lucky that my parents introduced me to meditation early on in my life. My parents were visionaries at that time. Unfortunately, I struggled with the practice and was too embarrassed to accept failure. My biggest trouble d...

Living Well While Being Ill

Even as a toddler, I was fascinated with language. I’d spend hours sitting cross-legged with piles of colorful flashcards that were meant to teach my brain how to perceive the world and the people within it. I was taught the names of the colors that flooded my mind every time someone spoke. I ...

£3 Billion Spent Keeping Asylum Seekers in Hotels While Homeless Brits Die on the Streets

In the UK, we spend £3 billion keeping asylum seekers in hotels, while homeless Brits live — and some die — on the streets. It’s really screwed up. We have a system where local authorities are supposed to house homeless people in emergency accommodation, and they do. But s...

Can You Work Better While High?

Besides their outsized reputations in the annals of literature, Victor Hugo, Alexandre Dumas, Charles Baudelaire, and Honoré de Balzac had something else in common: their interest in weed. They were all members of the Club des Hashischins — the “Hash Club” — ...

Don’t Ever Touch Your Face While Talking

Communication is not just about the words we speak; it's also about the signals we send through our body language· In fact, studies have shown that up to 93% of our communication is nonverbal· Our gestures, facial expressions, and body movements can reveal our true thoughts and emo...

Don’t Ever Move Your Hands While Talking

Have you ever wondered why some people are so captivating when they speak, effortlessly commanding attention and leaving a lasting impression? It's not just about the words they say; it's also about how they use their hands while talking· In this eye-opening article, we will delve int...