Running DBT on Databricks while using dbt_external_tables package to utilize Snowflake Tables

<p>This article highlights a specific use case where one might need to run dbt on Databricks while utilizing tables in Snowflake. Typically, dbt runs on top of the database where it is instantiated. However, if a table needed to run dbt in Databricks does not exist in the hive-metastore and instead exists in an external database like Snowflake, then you would have to utilize the dbt_external_tables package to create a copy of the table in Databricks s</p> <p>Seeds are optional; however, if you have seed files that you&rsquo;d like to create, then store them in the &lsquo;data&rsquo; folder within the &lsquo;dbt&rsquo; directory.</p> <p>Set up your packages.yml file to install the dbt_external_tables package:</p> <p><a href=""><strong>Click Here</strong></a></p> <p>o dbt can run on top of that table in Databricks.</p>