Our Children Are Begging For Their Lives, While Authorities Make Excuses and Continue Cooking Their Planet

<p>There clearly are no responsible adults in positions of authority and haven&rsquo;t been for decades. Because for decades, climate scientists have been sounding the alarm that there is a climate crisis and it requires us to slash fossil fuel emissions to prevent climate collapse. And our leaders never do anything.</p> <p>Apparently unfamiliar with the words &ldquo;crisis&rdquo; and &ldquo;emergency&rdquo; (not to mention the word &ldquo;extinction&rdquo;), leaders casually discussed the issue and snapped into action quickly. Well,&nbsp;<em>not all that quickly.</em>&nbsp;<strong>Four years</strong>&nbsp;after James Hansen&rsquo;s historic warning before Congress and the world, a series of toothless and pathetic U.N. conferences were held starting in 1992. Some of them made excited announcements of targets, treaties and deadlines. Nothing came of them. They were, essentially press releases touting imaginary events.</p> <p><a href="https://ray-katz.medium.com/our-children-are-begging-for-their-lives-while-authorities-make-excuses-and-continue-cooking-their-0cff393d5076"><strong>Visit Now</strong></a></p>