Tag: Towards

Over, A new birth of freedom(2): Towards Accessible Participation

Over, A new birth of Freedom. A new birth of freedom — and that government of the people, by the people, for the people, shall not perish from the earth. Abraham Lincoln Over is all about championing the highest level of freedom. We stand by the idea that everyone should have...

Towards a Sustainable Generative AI Revolution

Humanity’s creative muscles are being stretched by the unstoppable generative AI revolution. By using text and other kinds of prompts, people use this technology to generate stunning images, videos, 3D shapes, VR environments and more. And yet, growing pains are starting to appear in...

The Evolution of Mondrian’s Early Paintings Towards Abstraction

The manner in which artists find their way can be fascinating to watch. In the case of painter Piet Mondrian, who is best known for his grid-based paintings with blocks of primary colours, his artistic development stands out as being palpably observable. Interestingly, Mondrian was in his...

Towards a Data Quality Score in open data (part 2)

I find iterative product development is as key in data as other fields given many data science tasks, e.g. model tuning or feature engineering, can be an endless pursuit: that extra 1% in accuracy is not always worth the effort and defining product increments helps establish the “good enough&r...

Towards Green AI: How to Make Deep Learning Models More Efficient in Production

Deep Learning models have been pushing state-of-the-art performances across different fields. These performance gains are often the results of larger models. But building bigger models requires more computations in both the training and the inference stage. And more computations require bigger hardw...

Running Towards Death

I just returned from my first ten-day silent meditation retreat, at Southern California Vipassana Center. The site is located in Twentynine Palms, an hour north of Palm Springs, just past Joshua Tree. It’s safe to say that it was the strangest experience of my life. Many of you asked me to tel...

Your Lack of Attraction Towards People from a Minority Group Is Racism.

Nevertheless, this specific form of racism appeared entirely acceptable for this guy, as well as most people around the table. Because the consensus is, if it’s sexual racism, it isn’t actual racism. In fact, according to most people, since you can’t control who you’re attrac...

5 Things Men Need To Accept To Not Become Bitter (Towards Women)

Social media exposes us to hoards of information and dialogue that generations before would never have had to look at in their lifetimes. Unfortunately, a lot of discussion is pushed towards our timelines due to controversy and virality rather than value. Even so, it is still surprising every time y...

Flowing Towards Your Depths: New Moon in Sagittarius | Pūrvāṣāḍhā Nakshatra | January 2024

On January 11th, 2024, at 11:57 am GMT, the New Moon occurs in Sagittarius within the nakshatra of Pūrvāṣāḍhā. In the previous moon cycles, we navigated the release of emotions and the shedding of the past. Now, under the optimistic and purpose-driven influence of Sagittarius, it’s ...

Flowing Towards Your Depths: New Moon in Sagittarius | Pūrvāṣāḍhā Nakshatra | January 2024

On January 11th, 2024, at 11:57 am GMT, the New Moon occurs in Sagittarius within the nakshatra of Pūrvāṣāḍhā. In the previous moon cycles, we navigated the release of emotions and the shedding of the past. Now, under the optimistic and purpose-driven influence of Sagittarius, it’s ...

Steering Towards the Future: Autonomous Vehicles

From the first motor-powered vehicle to the latest laser-guided autonomous car, our mobility evolution has been paved along a road of innovation and advancement. The future of transit rests not on the familiar steering wheel but entrenched in lines of complex coding and revolutionary technologies th...

Rolling Towards Tomorrow: The Epic Saga of the Wheel!

The invention of Zero, the Charkha, etc. have their own histories and all of them have made significant contributions to the world. Without them, maybe, we would still be in — All wheeled robots move about the Instantaneous Center of Curvature. Each wheel of the robot has an a...

A Bowl of Red Bean Soup and My Parents' Animosity Towards Each Other

When I was growing up in Colombia, it wasn’t unusual to eat beans and find rocks in them. Back then, people with recent dental work needed to avoid corn, jawbreakers, and apparently, beans. I remember my dad eating a bowl of red bean soup in the kitchen. It was the kitchen of the last ap...

The Great Society: Empowering African Americans towards Equality

The first GOP Republican debate showcased the prospective Presidential candidates for 2024 General election. As expected, the first debate not attended by leading GOP candidate Donald Trump talked about him and provided little in substantial policy other than the proverbial President Biden bad for A...

Towards Culturally Safe, Person and Family-Centred Healthcare

Respect & advocacy for P/F preferences (delaying a decision, the option of no students, no visitors nor family) Emphasis on P/F needs (privacy, honest information, dignity, gender affirmation, regular bathing, and assistance walking) Inclusion of P/F as members of the team (invited to roun...

Out of Taiwan and Towards the Asia-Pacific

“The Out of Taiwan” theory proposed in 1980 by the renowned Australian archaeologist Dr. Peter Bellwood demonstrated the complicated expansion process of the Austronesian peoples. Yet Taiwan remains the region with the richest and most ancient information for Austronesian language-speaki...

Towards Geometric Deep Learning IV: Chemical Precursors of GNNs

Ifthe history of symmetry is tightly intertwined with physics, the history of graph neural networks, a “poster child” of Geometric Deep Learning, has roots in another branch of natural science: chemistry. Chemistry has historically been — and still is — one of th...

Stumbling Towards Eden

In my journey through American Christian culture and as a Christian myself, I’ve found talk of stewardship for God’s Creation largely absent. I have never heard a sermon about loving and stewarding God’s natural Creation. I’ve heard sermons about loving humanity, bu...

Driving Towards a Wall, Should You Stop or Turn?

If we use the normal model for the static friction force, then the following would be true. Of course the static friction force is a force of constraint — it has whatever value is needed to prevent the two surfaces from sliding with respect to each other. However, there is a maximum limit t...

Towards Geometric Deep Learning I: On the Shoulders of Giants

The last decade has witnessed an experimental revolution in data science and machine learning, epitomised by deep learning methods. Indeed, many high-dimensional learning tasks previously thought to be beyond reach — computer vision, playing Go, or protein folding — are in fact feasible ...

Towards preserving Digital Culture: An interview with Amy Thomas

It’s important to preserve games so that future generations have access to this art form and can understand the process of creative and technical development that goes into making them. This applies to both the game itself and the mode of playing it, e.g., on the original hardware. As a resear...

Finding the Good: A Journey Towards Empathy and Understanding

In a world often shadowed by negativity and division, the power of seeing the good in others shines as a beacon of hope. This belief, that at their core people carry sparks of kindness, empathy, and goodness, has been a guiding light in my life. It’s a perspective that doesn’t just il...

Embracing Sustainable Fashion: A Shift Towards Ethical Style

The fashion business has undergone a notable shift in recent times due to the increased emphasis on sustainability. The days of fashion being only about trends and glitz are long gone, as consumers are now more aware of how their clothing choices affect society and the environment. The emergence ...

My Journey Towards Self-Acceptance

However, it was the comments from my parents that cut the deepest. Despite visiting them monthly or every two months, longing for the comfort of home, their words often left me feeling the most vulnerable and insecure than ever before.  I found myself crying uncontrollably, feeling as though...