Your Lack of Attraction Towards People from a Minority Group Is Racism.

<p>Nevertheless, this specific form of racism appeared entirely acceptable for this guy, as well as most people around the table. Because the consensus is, if it&rsquo;s sexual racism, it isn&rsquo;t actual racism. In fact, according to most people, since you can&rsquo;t control who you&rsquo;re attracted to&nbsp;<em>(or can you?)</em>&nbsp;you can&rsquo;t be guilty of racism based on that factor. After all, my sister insisted long enough that she&rsquo;d never date a black man or a man of North-African descent &mdash; common minorities in France. I&rsquo;m happy to report she recently dated both, not that it makes her any less prejudiced.</p> <p>Of course, even more problematic, is that both people expressing their objections to dating minority groups here weren&rsquo;t members of one themselves. But this isn&rsquo;t always the case. I&rsquo;ve also met black women saying they weren&rsquo;t attracted to black men. And Asian men saying they didn&rsquo;t like Asian women or the opposite. It&rsquo;s relatively standard, and people consider it acceptable, so much that nobody seems to question it anymore.</p> <p><a href=""><strong>Visit Now</strong></a></p>