Your Lack of Attraction Towards People from a Minority Group Is Racism.
<p>Nevertheless, this specific form of racism appeared entirely acceptable for this guy, as well as most people around the table. Because the consensus is, if it’s sexual racism, it isn’t actual racism. In fact, according to most people, since you can’t control who you’re attracted to <em>(or can you?)</em> you can’t be guilty of racism based on that factor. After all, my sister insisted long enough that she’d never date a black man or a man of North-African descent — common minorities in France. I’m happy to report she recently dated both, not that it makes her any less prejudiced.</p>
<p>Of course, even more problematic, is that both people expressing their objections to dating minority groups here weren’t members of one themselves. But this isn’t always the case. I’ve also met black women saying they weren’t attracted to black men. And Asian men saying they didn’t like Asian women or the opposite. It’s relatively standard, and people consider it acceptable, so much that nobody seems to question it anymore.</p>
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