Stumbling Towards Eden

<p>In my journey through American Christian culture and as a Christian myself, I&rsquo;ve found talk of stewardship for God&rsquo;s Creation largely absent. I have never heard a sermon about loving and stewarding God&rsquo;s natural Creation. I&rsquo;ve heard sermons about loving&nbsp;<em>humanity,</em>&nbsp;but they haven&rsquo;t included animals, land, soil, air, microbes, or waterways. I&rsquo;ve even encountered the attitude that dismisses environmental stewardship as incongruous with Biblical doctrine. I&rsquo;ve heard some Christian communities proclaim that salvation is an escape from this earth &mdash; that God&rsquo;s plan for the world is oblivion &mdash; and so, our responsibility to care for the earth doesn&rsquo;t matter. Such a callous approach to caring for our home has always puzzled me. Don&rsquo;t we all want to breathe unpolluted air? And swim in healthy rivers and lakes? And eat seafood from uncontaminated waters?</p> <p><a href=""><strong>Visit Now</strong></a></p>
Tags: Towards Eden