Tag: Theory

Simplifying Control Theory

It happens to all of us. You finish high school one day and the very next day, you’re already asking yourself: what should I study at college? Long story short: I ended up doing my Bachelor and Master degrees in a course called ‘Automation Engineering’. That name may be weird - ...

The Great Replacement Theory

The Republican Party scheduled the first televised debate on Wednesday, August 23, 2023. Donald Trump elected to skip the debate, appearing instead in a pre-taped interview with Tucker Carlson, the fired Fox News host known for espousing his white supremacist views, notably the “Great Replacem...

The Disturbing Theory of Ram Dass’s Reality Channels That Will Blow Your Mind

In an old lecture, Ram Dass explained a disturbing theory about levels of reality. Ram Dass asked the audience to imagine their mind as a television set that could change channels. So that by changing the channel, they would see a deeper level of reality. This was the programming for each of ...

The Disturbing Theory About Life That Gives Me Goose Bumps Every Time I Think About It

I have a theory that everything in life is fiction. And here’s a short list of thoughts on that. That’s why storytelling and psychoanalysis are so powerful; we look for narratives that make us feel better. Defining yourself is fiction; it’s thinking of yourself from one ...

The Disturbing Theory of Ram Dass’s Reality Channels That Will Blow Your Mind

In an old lecture, Ram Dass explained a disturbing theory about levels of reality. Ram Dass asked the audience to imagine their mind as a television set that could change channels. So that by changing the channel, they would see a deeper level of reality. This was the programming for each of ...

The Simple Economic Theory That Explains Whether You’ll Have a Great Career

In the last post, I explained why focusing on irrelevant details obscures the true driver of professional success: career capital. But the connection between career capital and a great career isn’t always obvious. Why does the owner of a car dealership tend to make more than a nur...

Here’s Why This “Learn To Trust Your Team, Do Not Micro-Manage” Statement Will Remain A Good Theory But Not Practical

Don’t ask me how I know this. I just know. It comes from both experiences and observations of course. I’ve worked with a number of companies since 2014 on marketing strategy and I saw a number of good dramas. Out of 20 companies I met, only one company trusts their team members. The rest...

How the coaching model of theory and practice is the best way to learn

You can’t expect to get fit by having a session with a fitness trainer, without doing the work between sessions. Of course, turning up is better than doing nothing, but you need deliberate practice if you really want to achieve your aim to get fit. The fitness coach doesn’t do the work. ...

The Salt Shaker Theory of Leadership

Amongst the most successful restaurateurs of the last 50 years, one stands out: Danny Meyer. Danny conceived of, built, and reinvented world-famous venues like Gramercy Tavern, The Modern, and my own personal favorite (and a frequent lunch stop just down the street from my office in Chicago), S...

Color Theory with Joy and Friends: White

White is Joy’s guidance throughout her journey, seen all along our story. Our white has a slight pink in it, hinting to the childlike wonder and curiousity of pink that Joy embodies. White is the color of illumination, simplicity, and new beginnings, all which you experience in the book....

Tim’s Theory of Trails

I used to spend a lot of time running trails. And — because I liked to explore new territory — I also spent a lot of time at unfamiliar trailheads staring at a map displayed on the parking lot kiosk, trying to memorize which trails to follow to run a loop. Once on the move it was hard...

A New Dawn in Innovation and Sustainability: Reflections from the Royal Docks Centre for Sustainability Launch on December 6th, 2023

My research on the jamband theory of innovation, which emphasizes spontaneous, collaborative, and creative problem-solving, resonates profoundly with the ethos of the RDCS. This theory underscores the need for captivating innovation models — ones that are co-creative, inclusive, adaptive, and ...

What Happens After Death: The Hindu Theory Of Life, Death & Re-birth!

Heaven and hell are two of the most anticipated terms in human curiosity because we have been told numerous stories about them both — in different cultures, religions, and countries. Yet, we don’t know about even one person who has been to either heaven or hell, and could narrate a tr...

A Mathematical Theory for The Sephirot of The Kabbalah, Islamic Art, A Musical Theory of the Regular Polytopes and Their Applications in the Modern World. A Symphony In The Key of Lichfield Cathedral.

1 Praise the Lord! Praise God in His sanctuary; Praise Him in His mighty firmament! {the extreme harmonics} 2 Praise Him for His mighty acts; Praise Him according to His excellent greatness! {the energy} 3 Praise Him with the sound of the trumpet; Praise Him with the lute and harp! {the instr...

Critical Race Theory Opponents Stand in the Tradition of Anti-Abolitionists

One of the laws, “An Act to Prevent the Circulation of Seditious Publications,” banned bringing into the state any publication with the tendency to inspire revolution or resistance among enslaved or free Black people. A first violation of the law was punishable by whipping and one-year i...

criminology: the best theory and the worst theory

I believe that the way that people are conditioned, not only when they are growing up but also through everyday life, is the main influence on why they make most decisions. Travis Hirschi’s social control theory focuses on how attachment, commitment, involvement, and belief contribute to wheth...

Transportation Network Analysis with Graph Theory

For a retailer, road transportation to deliver stores represents a major part of the logistics costs. Companies often conduct route planning optimization studies to reduce these costs and improve the efficiency of their network. It requires collaboration between continuous ...

Breaking White Solidarity: Baldwin on Critical Race Theory

It was just two years ago when educators were being hailed as heroes for stepping up to the challenge of distance learning during the initial peak of the COVID-19 Pandemic. This effort was in addition to the already Herculean effort given by teachers every school year, and I’m not just saying ...

Replacement Theory And AmeriKa

Sojust today, I found out about this mass shooting against [yet again] Black people, in Buffalo. I see Black people respond to these acts — and the responses are all the same. The question is: “What are Black people actually going to do about it?” Black People Are Pointing Finge...

The Great Replacement Theory

The Republican Party scheduled the first televised debate on Wednesday, August 23, 2023. Donald Trump elected to skip the debate, appearing instead in a pre-taped interview with Tucker Carlson, the fired Fox News host known for espousing his white supremacist views, notably the “Great Replacem...

Israel as the protagonist of a replacement theory narrative

Replacement theory, also known as the Great Replacement, is a theory that claims that white people are under threat of being replaced by non-whites (Arabs in Europe, Mexicans in the US). This replacement supposedly happens through immigration, declining white birthrates, and corruption of white cult...

What’s Wrong with String Theory?

Currently, the foundational physical theories are Einstein’s general theory of relativity, which describes gravity and has been confirmed by many observations and experiments, and quantum mechanics, which represents the behavior of particles and fundamental interactions such as weak, strong, a...

The 3 key steps to overthrowing a scientific theory

Science, like many things in life, is always a work-in-progress. While a successful scientific theory has questions it can answer, natural phenomena it can accurately describe, and robust predictions it can make, it’s also fundamentally limited at any point in time. Any theory, no matter how s...

“Bridging Theory and Reality: AI’s Impact on Physics and Everyday Applications”

AI in physics, often known as AI physics, blends artificial intelligence with natural laws, offering greater insights and applications throughout physics. This junction promotes collaboration and creativity by combining technology with scientific research. Its purpose is to use artificial intelli...

The Marvels of the String Theory Landscape: Unlocking the Secrets of the Multiverse

Why do the fundamental forces and physical constants in our universe have the precise values that allow for the formation of galaxies, stars, and life as we know it? The enigmatic String Theory Landscape offers a compelling explanation for this cosmic fine-tuning, the remarkable pr...

Dalton’s Atomic Theory | Unveiling The Foundations.

Dalton proposed that all matter is composed of indivisible particles called atoms. Furthermore, each element consists of atoms that are identical in mass and properties. This notion laid the groundwork for understanding the diversity of elements in the periodic table. In the annals of scientific ...

Assembly Theory in Organisational Design – a new paradigm?

Enterprises are just like Bacteria. Not in their ability to cause mass societal harm, but in how they function. Their constituent parts may differ (proteins vs MS Teams) but they are both composed of a range of different components interacting together in defined ways. They are both systems engaged ...

Ecosystems: What’s Ecological Systems Theory

Ecological Systems Theory (EST) stands as a foundational framework in ecology, offering a holistic perspective on the intricate interplay between organisms and their environments. Developed by renowned psychologist Urie Bronfenbrenner, EST posits that individuals are deeply influenced by the various...

An (Ancient) New Theory of Happiness

What is happiness? It’s a question so simple a 3-year-old would ask it and a question so complex it has kept scientists busy for centuries and philosophers busy for millennia. One answer is offered by the Hedonists. They tell us that the good life is simply a question of feeling good and fe...

String Theory in Three Minutes

20th-century physics says everything is made up of point particles with a bunch of different properties. But where do these properties come from and where does gravity fit in? Particle physics is a bit of a misnomer — modern understanding suggests these particles are excitations i...

Albert Einstein: The Genius Behind the Theory of Relativity

Albert Einstein, quite possibly of the most splendid brain in mankind’s set of experiences, reformed how we might interpret the universe with his noteworthy speculations. Brought into the world on Walk 14, 1879, in Ulm, Germany, Einstein’s commitments to hypothetical physical science res...

Einstein's Theory Was Proven True in My Little Louisiana Town

Southern bumpkin middle schoolers are on a field trip to see one of the most advanced scientific endeavors in human history. It’s called LIGO (Laser Interferometer Gravitational-wave Observatory). These sensors are trying to detect gravitational waves from the other side of the universe....

The Love Fails Theory of Borderline Personality Disorder

The Borderline lives under the hourglass, believing it is more real than the relationships it ends. They know of the inevitable end without being able to see it or prevent it. And so they enter love the way people enter life: suddenly, completely, and with an assuredness of its end. Religion is w...

The Theory of Relativity: Coordinate System

Based on the perception of distance as a branch of physics, it is necessary to have a way to measure these distances. Einstein proposes the idea of creating a measuring rod “S” as a unit of measurement in his physical interpretation of distance. Therefore, let’s consider Einstein&r...

Group Theory for Beginners: An Intuitive Approach

When we talk about mathematics in terms of its beauty, its symmetry, and its power, we often leave off exactly what these things are. Have you ever stopped to ask yourself what exactly a symmetry is? In this article, I will describe the mathematical study known as Group Theory, whi...

Revisiting semigroups theory and its relations to geometry

Algebraic structures, such as semigroups, groups, algebras previously were considered as a branch of more abstract mathematics. With appearance of algebraic geometry, algebraic complex structures used throughout other areas of mathematics this started to change. With a recent increasing interest in...

Probability Theory: A closer look at 16 different probability distributions

In the next series of discussions, we will discuss the topic of data using probability distributions. At the end of these discussions, we will have a clearer picture of data + science = data science. In the next post and onward, I will write about 16 different probability distributions commonly u...

The Corpuscular Theory of Dice: An Overview

The ensuing article is intended to be a streamlined and finely distilled overview, so that there is no confusion as to my overall points and arguments. *Disclaimer: These concepts for both the “Wave View” and “Corpuscular View” that will be discussed will apply to not only...

Understanding Confidence Intervals: A Guide with Theory Examples and Use Cases

Confidence intervals are the statistical key to unlocking the certainty of uncertainty. Imagine you’re trying to pinpoint where a treasure lies on a vast map; confidence intervals give you not just a single spot but a range, suggesting where the treasure is most likely to be found. This powerf...

Probability Theory #1: Beta distribution

The beta distribution is a continuous probability distribution for data with discrete outcomes. I’ll use an example to help us understand it better. Let’s say our store manager at the local supermarket did a stock count of the remaining green and red apples in the basket before closing t...

A Dislocation Theory of Violence

The phrase “epidemic of violence” has become ubiquitous in contemporary media. Last year, the Human Rights Campaign called the escalation of attacks on transgender and gender non-conforming Americans an “epidemic.” The United Nations, the Guardian, and NBC News have all discu...

A Psychedelic Experience Helped Confirm The Egg Theory

During the experience, I was sitting outside at a massive venue. I was with several girls on a trip to a concert. As I sat outside in the blaring heat, it kicked in. I immediately regretted my decision for a couple of reasons. First, I am not too keen on large crowds, and second, I rarely take psych...

Theory of Mind and Theory of Person

Higher primates appear to be self-conscious, at least if the mirror test is accepted as a valid indication of self-consciousness. In this test, a red spot is placed on the animals forehead where the animal will only be able to see it in a mirror. Most animals do not recognize their image in the mirr...

You and Your Profile: On Hans-Georg Moeller and Paul J. D’Ambrosio’s Theory of Prolificity

According to Hans-Georg Moeller and Paul J. D’Ambrosio’s book, You and Your Profile, how identity is constituted today has radically changed in comparison to the past. Retracing the historical identity technologies, social critic, Lionel Trilling, categorizes the identity formation ...

The Dark Forest Theory of the Internet

In his sci-fi trilogy The Three Body Problem, author Liu Cixin presents the dark forest theory of the universe. When we look out into space, the theory goes, we’re struck by its silence. It seems like we’re the only ones here. After all, if other forms of life existed, wouldn&rsq...

Hartmut Rosa’s Social Acceleration Theory: A New Critical Theory of Modernity

The increased high-speed operation of our devices showcases society’s technological acceleration. Twitter, Facebook, and LinkedIn now mediate swift and frictionless interactions and messages. Technological acceleration is especially advanced in the digital sector and further accelerates the pa...

You and Your Profile: On Hans-Georg Moeller and Paul J. D’Ambrosio’s Theory of Prolificity

According to Hans-Georg Moeller and Paul J. D’Ambrosio’s book, You and Your Profile, how identity is constituted today has radically changed in comparison to the past. Retracing the historical identity technologies, social critic, Lionel Trilling, categorizes the identity formation ...

Criticisms of Durkheim’s Theory of Solidarity

One criticism of Durkheim’s theory of solidarity is that it is too focused on the positive effects of interdependence. Durkheim was interested in the benefits that could be wrought from a transition out of mechanical and into organic solidarity, arguing that a shift towards interdependence wou...

OOTD: Thinking about color theory today.

I spent some time today thinking about color theory — specifically personal colors. Very specifically, I tried to parse out why I’m a spring and not an autumn. And lucky you! I’m going to share what I learned. First though, I’ll share what I wore today. Just in case my rab...

20+ Idioms From The Big Bang Theory Show

The phrase “make yourself at home” is a common expression used to invite someone to feel comfortable and relaxed in a particular place. It is often used when welcoming guests to one’s home or office. The expression implies that the host wants the guest to feel as though they are in...

Testing a Murakami Theory on Writing

In his preface to his twin novels ‘Hear the Wind Song’ and ‘Pinball’, the great contemporary novelist from Japan, Haruki Murakami, makes a very interesting observation by saying that he developed his own style of writing by first writing his initial novel in English, and then...