The 3 key steps to overthrowing a scientific theory

<p>Science, like many things in life, is always a work-in-progress. While a successful scientific theory has questions it can answer, natural phenomena it can accurately describe, and robust predictions it can make, it&rsquo;s also fundamentally limited at any point in time. Any theory, no matter how successful, has a finite range of validity. Stay within that range and your theory works very well to describe reality; go outside of it, and its predictions no longer match observations or experiments. This is true for any theory you pick. Newtonian mechanics breaks down at small (quantum) scales and high (relativistic) speeds; Einstein&rsquo;s General Relativity breaks down at a singularity; Darwin&rsquo;s evolution breaks down at the origin of life.</p> <p><a href=""><strong>Click Here</strong></a></p>