Tag: Star

The Three Weekly Meetings That Will Help You Lead Your Team Like a Rock Star

Like many leaders, the extended period of working remotely from home caught me by surprise. I worked hard over the previous decade to refine my meeting facilitation skills. I even created a course on effectively leading problem-solving meetings for a diverse team. Going virtual was a whole different...

Rising Star: Preston Hawkins, the Exemplary Senior Account Executive

In the bustling world of marketing and sales, one individual at Brown & Partners stands out as a shining star this month, blazing a trail of success with unparalleled dedication and passion. Meet Preston Hawkins, the Senior Account Executive at Brown & Partners. At the young age of...

Easy A* (star) Pathfinding

Today we’ll being going over the A* pathfinding algorithm, how it works, and its implementation in pseudocode and real code with Python . Looking for just pseudocode or source code? Scroll down! If you’re a game developer, you might have always wanted to implement A* as character (...

Star Fox 64: Rescuing Your Dead Father from the Underworld

Author Jordan Peterson speaks about rescuing your dead father from the belly of the beast — which is the story of Jonah. One must go into the darkest place; the center of the suffering, to find what is most needed for the challenge at hand. If a person refuses that destiny, the perso...

The Sparkling Star

Once upon a time in the Mushroom Kingdom, Mario, Bowser, and Princess Peach lived happily. Mario loved to share his adventures and treasures with his friends. One sunny day, Mario found a shiny star. He rushed to show it to his friends, but Bowser was feeling jealous. He wanted the star all to hi...

Lego Star Wars: The Skywalker Saga is a Wonderful Game

Last year, before it all fell apart in the ever-churning schedule that is the silly life of being a solitary online writer, I intended to declare Lego Star Wars: The Skywalker Saga as my personal favorite game of 2022. My volatile schedule and the fact that there’s just so darn much ...

I am The Melbourne Star Observation Wheel and I am Depressed

When my parents decided to conceive me, I had high hopes of contributing towards getting more visitors to Melbourne. The London Eye is doing wonders for the City of London and so could I. As the construction began in 2006, it took major delays to get me out into this world. Finally, in December 2...

A Brief History of the Yellow Star

Centuries ago, the Jewish population thrived in the Middle East and North Africa. Countries such as Egypt, Iran, Iraq, Libya, Morocco, Syria, Lebanon, Jordan, Tunisia, and Algeria all had large Jewish communities. יהודי המִזְרָח — Mizrahim Jews was a political sociological term...

You’re Not A Victim, You’re A Shining Star!

Look towards the heaven and count the stars- if you can count them! And He said to him, “That is how your descendants will be.” -Genesis 15:5 In this week’s Torah portion, G-d defined the Jewish people (Abraham’s descendants): Shining stars! As numerous as the stars ...

The Movie Star and Me

I don’t know how to tell this story. He was a movie star. I was an intern. The musical is my favorite work of art. The producer was my mentor. The president of the theater is my friend. It was a real-life fairytale everyone I knew was entertained by. Yet I couldn’t sleep. I lost weight, ...

What is the morning star?

In various cultures and mythologies, the morning star has been associated with different symbolic meanings. In ancient Roman mythology, Venus was identified with the goddess of love and beauty, also named Venus. In ancient Greek mythology, the planet was associated with the goddess Aphrodite. Additi...

A Star is Born — The King in the North. Page 4.

“I know it has been a while but the last few days have been nothing but divine. They say “we only die once but live every day”. Isn’t that beautiful?. This Page is dedicated to a fellow Medium who I follow and also following me. I reiterate that “death is not the end. I...

Krishnamurti, the lonely Hollywood Star

It is true that Krishnamurti ditched the Theosophical Society, but he never renounced his divine authority, nor the material privileges and benefits bestowed on him by devotees. He taught that ‘truth is a pathless land’ — that we could all attain a state of enlightenment he had ...

We are Star-Fire

All of us are here because we are brave All of us contain an immortal fire Starshine the likes of which we all can admire Souls within us who chose to be here Etheric fire that seeks its own mirror A spark from the stars within us glows Click Here

How Regulus Star Extend its Lifespan

The reason for this is that Regulus A has a very close companion, Regulus AB, which is thought to be a white dwarf. The white dwarf is the remnant of a more massive star that evolved faster than Regulus A and transferred some of its mass to it before becoming a white dwarf. This mass transfer increa...

Star clusters give birth like dogs, not humans, ALMA shows

Humanity once thought our Solar System was typical. Here in our own Solar System, a single star anchors the system, where inner, rocky planets, an intermediate-distance asteroid belt, and then more distant gas giant planets eventually give way to the Kuiper belt and Oort cloud. For a long tim...

Galactic Star Map of The Kepler Systems

Ever since seeing the star maps in Apple’s Foundation I’ve wanted to create my own Galactic Star Map of the star systems mapped by NASA’s Kepler / K2 Telescope. The Kepler mission has provided an unprecedented dataset for identifying exoplanets in our galaxy downloaded from Kaggle ...

What should the surface of a neutron star look like?

They appear different because they were performed by two different research groups, who worked on the same data provided by the NICER X-ray telescope, installed in 2017 on the ISS. One of the two groups concluded that there are two hotspots in the southern hemisphere, while the other believes there...

4 unexpected lessons from the Milky Way’s weirdest star

Over the past 13.8 billion years, the Universe has evolved from a hot, dense, largely uniform early state to a clumpy, clustered, star-and-galaxy-rich state, where the typical interstellar and intergalactic distances are absolutely tremendous. The stars that exist today, importantly, are different f...

4 unexpected lessons from the Milky Way’s weirdest star

Over the past 13.8 billion years, the Universe has evolved from a hot, dense, largely uniform early state to a clumpy, clustered, star-and-galaxy-rich state, where the typical interstellar and intergalactic distances are absolutely tremendous. The stars that exist today, importantly, are different f...

See Hubble’s most beautiful star-forming image ever

Only 165,000 light-years distant, it’s copiously forming stars. Our Local Group of galaxies is dominated by Andromeda and the Milky Way, but there’s no denying that Andromeda is the biggest, the Milky Way is #2, Triangulum is #3, and the LMC is #4. At just 165,000 light-years away...

Why The Polaris Star Seems To Be Stationary In The Sky, Even With The Earth Moving Around The Sun, And The Sun Around The Galaxy’s Center

If you sit in a swivel office chair, put it around, and look at the ceiling, you will see that a spot just above your head will be fixed. It is the same with Polaris. It is just a coincidence that it is there, on our axis of rotation. The movement that gives this illusion, as I said, is...

Astronomers Detect Nickel and Other Unexpected Elements in Early Star-Forming Galaxies

In the Universe’s youth, many galaxies experienced a period of intense star formation. Today, some galaxies, such as our own Milky Way, still form new stars, albeit not as rapidly. Other galaxies have stopped forming stars altogether. This new work can help astronomers understand the rea...

How many planets are there on average in a star system?

According to the same data, 697 systems are known to include more than one planet, meaning that there is slightly more than one planet on average in planetary systems. However, this does not mean that most star systems in the galaxy have only one planet, nor does it mean that there is only one plane...

The Unicorn Star

You may know it better known as the Unicorn. There’s a nebula here, 20,000 light years away from our blue marble, where early B- to late O type stars dot the skies, shining a brilliant blue. Somewhere in this nebula is a special trinary star system, consisting of a very compact binary star com...

How Did a Billionaire Reality TV Star Become the Working Man’s Hero?

The United States is in decline. At least, according to economist Ray Dalio, who’s been studying the rise and fall of empires for most of his life. And according to many people on the street, at least according to this video by “More Perfect Union” with John Russell ...

What is the biggest star in the Universe?

Red supergiants are some of the largest stars (by volume) in the Universe. Stars are not born as red giants; they become one, as this is the final stage in the evolution of most stars. Due to their massive mass, they have a short lifespan for stars — ranging from 30 million to several hundred ...

4 unexpected lessons from the Milky Way’s weirdest star

Over the past 13.8 billion years, the Universe has evolved from a hot, dense, largely uniform early state to a clumpy, clustered, star-and-galaxy-rich state, where the typical interstellar and intergalactic distances are absolutely tremendous. The stars that exist today, importantly, are different f...

Why this country star suddenly quit alcohol at 45 (it’s a huge scam)

It’s natural to lie to yourself when you have a problem with alcohol. I know I did, in multiple ways. I lied that alcohol wasn’t actually that bad for my health even as it was clearly starting to damage my body inside and out. Then I lied to myself that “strategies” ...