The Three Weekly Meetings That Will Help You Lead Your Team Like a Rock Star

<p>Like many leaders, the extended period of working remotely from home caught me by surprise. I worked hard over the previous decade to refine my meeting facilitation skills. I even created a course on effectively leading problem-solving meetings for a diverse team. Going virtual was a whole different ball game.</p> <p>Luckily, I had jumped on the early adoption team for the virtual teleconferencing tool my company had recently decided to adopt. So I had slowly acclimated myself to navigating a virtual meeting. What I didn&rsquo;t think about and what eventually became a problem was how to keep my team connected both to me as their leader and to each other. Like everything I do, I decided to experiment with some things and learn what best worked for my team and me. That is what I will share in this post.</p> <p>The first thing I did was revisit some of my reference material on how to be a good meeting host and facilitator. Some best practices translate directly over to virtual meetings. I asked my team for ideas and started piecing together what would become the three standard meetings for each week. Let&rsquo;s look at each of the ones I implemented.</p> <h2>Open Office Hour</h2> <p>One of the first ideas that came from my team had to do with having more time to talk to me about different things. Let&rsquo;s face it: being in the office had its advantage here. Need to ask someone a quick question? Just visit their cubicle or office and see if they are free for a quick chat. And my team wanted some consistency in knowing when I would be available to talk about roadblocks or issues they were facing.</p> <p><a href=""><strong>Read More</strong></a></p>
Tags: Rock Star