Lego Star Wars: The Skywalker Saga is a Wonderful Game

<p>Last year, before it all fell apart in the ever-churning schedule that is the silly life of being a solitary online writer, I intended to declare&nbsp;<em>Lego Star Wars: The Skywalker Saga</em>&nbsp;as my personal favorite game of 2022. My volatile schedule and the fact that there&rsquo;s just so darn much content to see in it both conspired to keep me from ever awarding it the oh-so-prestigious honor of being the &ldquo;best.&rdquo;</p> <p><em>Skywalker Saga</em>&nbsp;is effectively a soft reboot of the entire Lego game franchise, and given its&nbsp;<a href="" rel="noopener ugc nofollow" target="_blank">apparently tumultuous development</a>, perhaps also a sad one-off look at the alternate timeline that might have been. Its apparent troubles and massive size put a halt to the endless grind of development studio Traveler&rsquo;s Tales pumping out fifteen-ish-hour games every year, instead creating a different grind as they blew the scope out to full modern open world scale.</p> <p>It spent years longer in development than any other Lego title, and it shows in the sheer amount of content. There are over twenty fully realized planet locations to explore, complete side quests in, and fly around in vehicles. Each of the nine main movies is represented with a full-length campaign that takes about as long to complete as the movie itself, with little bits of fun extra Lego humor and content sprinkled in. The side quests are largely original, with full writing and voice acting, introducing dozens of hapless residents of the Lucasfilm universe that need help with everything from opening their own house&rsquo;s locked doors, to chasing weird ghosts away, to locating important objects they simply&nbsp;<em>must</em>&nbsp;have.</p> <p><a href=""><strong>Click Here</strong></a></p>
Tags: Star Wars