Krishnamurti, the lonely Hollywood Star

<p>It is true that Krishnamurti ditched the Theosophical Society, but he never renounced his divine authority, nor the material privileges and benefits bestowed on him by devotees.</p> <p>He taught that &lsquo;truth is a pathless land&rsquo; &mdash; that we could all attain a state of enlightenment he had attained, free from all beliefs and conditioning. But one couldn&rsquo;t get there through any guru or teaching or practice. In which case, why bang on about it for six decades, giving enough talks to fill 200 books?</p> <p>Why? Because it was his role, his star persona, and he was stuck in it. He couldn&rsquo;t get off the stage and just be an ordinary human, he had to be The World Teacher.</p> <p><a href=""><strong>Read More</strong></a></p>
Tags: Hollywood Star