Tag: spirit

Athen’s Marathon — being privy to a spirit bomb

“Run, run, keep running until you can run no more … then take another step” It’s a warm summer evening, circa 500 BC. You’ve finished your shopping at the local market, (or agora) and you look up at the night sky… blood-red, filled with fatigue and the sl...

The Adventure Never Leaves your Spirit

I taste the ancient wells drunk by the people you have nurtured Inside your pits and your metal caves I smell your water Water is life and we seek it like the meaning of family Blood and veins run deep Photo by Brigitta Schneiter on Unsplash I traveled down windi...

San Francisco’s spirit of dressing weird is alive and well at How Weird

San Franciscans once had a well-earned reputation for finding literally any excuse to dress up in costume for a theme party. We are, after all, the city that invented Santacon, Burning Man, the Brides of March, Bay To Breakers, the Sisters of Perpetual Indulgence, and a slew of other event...

Shokunin Spirit

I fell in love with Japanese culture very early in life after exposure to sushi, anime and electronics made in Japan. I was 12 when I had my first sushi dinner, but it would be 15 more years before I finally flew to Tokyo. Landing in Narita airport and experiencing Japan for the first time was so su...

Part (Lot) of Spirit in Houses in Astrology

The Part of Spirit, also known as the Lot of Spirit or Daimon, is a point in astrology that is derived from the positions of the Sun and the Moon in a natal chart. It is calculated as the distance between the Sun and the Moon, added to the position of the Ascendant. The Part of Spirit is a...

Basic Spirit Language for Connecting With Your Guides

Relationships with guides (like all relationships), need to be developed over time — and when you first begin to connect with your guides, that relationship is in its stage of infancy. We often start out too big when it comes to asking for guidance from our spirit guides. We want ...


Aries (March 21 — April 19): Navigate the winds of change, Aries. Today heralds shifts in your professional landscape. Embrace challenges with enthusiasm; they lead to growth. In relationships, communicate openly to strengthen bonds. Trust your instincts; they guide you through uncertaint...

Merging With My Spirit Guides During A Self Reiki Session

As I began to work with the Reiki energy it began to bring up and reveal healing that was necessary to take place within in me. At the time, I did self- Reiki sessions often. I enjoyed the peaceful and relaxing energy and I had never really experienced anything quite like it before. This particular ...

Becoming Your Own Spirit Channel: Opening up to Direct Contact & Communication with Your Spirit Guides & Ancestors (And Identifying & Clearing Blocks That May Be In The Way)

Communing and having tangible contact with those in the spirit world is often seen as a lofty dream, an elusive unreachable concept for many people in the physical dimension/earthly realm — something that’s seemingly only accessible to certain people. There are those who speak of not bei...

Gaiety of Spirit: The Sherpa People of the Everest

The Sherpas originated as several families who migrated from eastern Tibet and settled uninhabited valleys in the Himalaya about 400 years ago. Their name “Sher-pa” reflects those origins: “east-people”. This small group of families brought with them the rich traditions, reli...

Spirit of the Prairie

October 1867. Smoke hangs over the valley like shreds of silver silk. The autumn dawn is perfectly still; no breeze stirs the chattery cottonwoods. The scent of coffee is strong on the air, and grunts of waking men punctuate the rising birdsong. In the cool shady grove, shards of angled morning sun ...

Don’t Ascend — Your Spirit Wants To Descend Into Your Body.

At long as we perceive life through an agenda of always making the best/superior choice, then the value of every option is determined against this mental scale of worth (our personal hierarchy of value). Only when you let go of fear, such that you do not treat dilemmas/choices as...

Alcohol, the Body Eating Spirit

It is said that the word Alcohol comes from the Arabic “Al-Kuhl” which means “ Body Eating Spirit”. It is the worst drug in the world and the one that is legal. There is a deliberate reason why alcohol is so easily accessible and other psychoactive substances aren’t. ...

Could the ‘Spirit Molecule’ Cure Your Depression?

InDecember of 1990, a psychiatrist named Rick Strassman injected two men with N,N-Dimethyltryptamine, a potent hallucinogenic compound better known as DMT. “I died and went to heaven,” one of the men recounted to Strassman after the drug had worn off. “It was a cosmic ...

Conversation with the Great Earth Spirit — GAIA — Part 8

While the techniques employed by King Ur differed from the current practices of scientists manipulating DNA to blend diverse creature families, the outcomes are remarkably similar. King Ur’s actions have left an indelible mark, prompting a replication of past occurrences within you. Biologi...

International Women’s Day: The Viking Spirit

 I look to the two women who have inspired my own crazy journey-this is a tale of working women. I started young, marshaling my two derelict brothers (aged 5 and 11 at the time) into a scheme so purely magical in selling to our neighbors at Christmas that none could resist. My older brother la...