Shokunin Spirit

<p>I fell in love with Japanese culture very early in life after exposure to sushi, anime and electronics made in Japan. I was 12 when I had my first sushi dinner, but it would be 15 more years before I finally flew to Tokyo. Landing in Narita airport and experiencing Japan for the first time was so surreal, and exceeded&nbsp;<em>all</em>&nbsp;of my wildest expectations.</p> <p>Japan has what must be the most efficient and orderly airport I&rsquo;ve ever passed through. If you miss a beat (like arriving with your customs card not completed correctly) airport staff get upset because you&rsquo;re impacting overall efficiency. It&rsquo;s also the cleanest airport I&rsquo;ve been in. Walking outside for the first time, I saw something that I&rsquo;ll never forget &mdash; and still think about often: at 5 AM, truck drivers polishing the small chrome parts and stainless metal exterior trim of their trucks parked on the side of the roads.</p> <p><a href=""><strong>Visit Now</strong></a></p>