Gaiety of Spirit: The Sherpa People of the Everest

<p>The Sherpas originated as several families who migrated from eastern Tibet and settled uninhabited valleys in the Himalaya about 400 years ago. Their name &ldquo;Sher-pa&rdquo; reflects those origins: &ldquo;east-people&rdquo;. This small group of families brought with them the rich traditions, religion and literature of Tibetan Buddhism.</p> <p>The Sherpas built their houses on any landform flat enough for agriculture, such as the ancient hanging terrace of Phortse, the glacial trough of Khunde and Khumjung, and the bowl-like valley of Namche. Their villages face south for more favorable growing conditions, and lie between 7,000 and 15,000 feet above sea level. Most Sherpas have a home in one of the main villages of Khumjung, Khunde, Thamechok, Namche, Pangboche, and Phortse, but often stay seasonally in huts at the high pastures.</p> <p><a href=""><strong>Read More</strong></a></p>
Tags: Gaiety spirit