Becoming Your Own Spirit Channel: Opening up to Direct Contact & Communication with Your Spirit Guides & Ancestors (And Identifying & Clearing Blocks That May Be In The Way)

<p>Communing and having tangible contact with those in the spirit world is often seen as a lofty dream, an elusive unreachable concept for many people in the physical dimension/earthly realm &mdash; something that&rsquo;s seemingly only accessible to certain people. There are those who speak of not being able to connect with loved ones after they pass on &mdash; feeling as if they are fully &ldquo;gone&rdquo;; or not feeling any connection to their ancestors or spirit guides generally (whether known or unknown, close or distant, relatives or non- relatives, human or nonhuman), and/or an overall disconnect and separation from the spiritual plane.</p> <p><strong>But what if one could connect directly with the invisible realm, and become their own channel of spirit contact?</strong>&nbsp;Though being able to see, hear, feel, and receive messages from their guides may come easy to some, this is entirely possible for everyone who desires it. However, it may be necessary to have some initial activation support, as well as help with clearing any blocks, fears or programming &mdash; and attached Westernized notions of spirit contact signifying that you&rsquo;re &ldquo;crazy&rdquo; &mdash; that may be in the way of experiencing this connection.</p> <p><a href=""><strong>Website</strong></a></p>
Tags: spirit channel