Merging With My Spirit Guides During A Self Reiki Session

<p>As I began to work with the Reiki energy it began to bring up and reveal healing that was necessary to take place within in me. At the time, I did self- Reiki sessions often. I enjoyed the peaceful and relaxing energy and I had never really experienced anything quite like it before. This particular session was so beautiful and healing for me. I had prepared for the session in my usual way by clearing my room, calling in my Spirit Team, and activating the Reiki symbols. I often listen to soft relaxing music during any of my Reiki sessions. As I began, I could feel the warm flow of loving energy deeply soothing and comforting me. At times, I could see the healing that was taking place through my clairvoyant vision in my mind&rsquo;s eye. The energetic movement of colored lights was riveting and I could also hear telepathic explanations and suggestions around each area of concern.&nbsp;</p> <p><a href=""><strong>Learn More</strong></a></p>
Tags: spirit Guides