Don’t Ascend — Your Spirit Wants To Descend Into Your Body.

<p>At long as we perceive life through an agenda of always making the&nbsp;<em>best/superior</em>&nbsp;choice, then the value of every option is determined against this mental scale of worth (our personal hierarchy of value). Only when you let go of fear, such that you do not treat&nbsp;<em>dilemmas/choices&nbsp;</em>as a test where there is a right and wrong answer, can the different options of a choice be clearly seen.</p> <p>The options of any choice are like the colors of a rainbow, and how much sense does it make to proclaim that one color is more valuable than another? Only extremely unconscious people (like supremacists) are capable of believing something that requires such blindness. All the colors of the rainbow are of value and are to be appreciated. Diversity is to be celebrated. The more colors there are, the more colors we have to&nbsp;<em>paint/create&nbsp;</em>with.</p> <p><a href=""><strong>Learn More</strong></a></p>
Tags: spirit Wants