Tag: Spaces

Exploring the Creative Spaces of Famous Artists

Claude Monet had a worn, soft-cushioned sofa to sit on to survey his wide waterlily canvases from afar. Francis Bacon worked in a savage sort of mess, with discarded paint tubes tossed into foot-high pyramids. Frida Kahlo painted in more orderly terms, with clean white-washed walls and rows of po...

Toucan’s New Spaces

My Favorite Spaces Space. Spaces. I love space. To watch my reaction to it. To feel space crush me. To feel space free me. Almost always space makes me feel. In extreme cases space connects me to a flood of memories the way a madeleine connected Proust to his. In my life, I’ve been...

Hong Kong’s Not-So-Public Public Spaces: Privately Owned Public Spaces

In 2008, it was revealed that the security guards of Times Square in Causeway Bay turned away buskers serenading the shoppers in the piazza, and the developer of Metro Harbour View, a private housing estate in Tai Kok Tsui, restricted public access to the public space. The controversies have drawn p...

The Spaces In Between

Perhaps it’s a symptom of getting older. I’ve begun to recognise the spaces between. Those interludes when life is no longer was what it was, yet is not yet what it will be. Multiple, big changes were made, you’re working away consistently, things are ok: but it doesn’t feel ...

Should you compare your coworking space to other coworking spaces?

Here is why — there’s a saying from a bigger text that reads like this: “When you compare yourself to others, you may become vain or bitter.” And I think that’s definitely a danger. Also, when you spend a lot of time worrying what other people are doing, you ta...

L.A.’s Latinx-Owned Galleries and Art Spaces

For a city that was once part of Mexico and nearly 50% of the Los Angeles population being Latinx, it’s fair to imagine that the number of art galleries, museums, and spaces showing Latinx work here would roughly mirror that number. Spoiler alert: It doesn’t. Gisela McDa...

L.A.’s AAPI-Owned Galleries and Art Spaces

The past few years have shown us that regardless of how diverse we like to think the current art world is, it’s really not hard to see if we look at the numbers that it’s still very much dominated by white cis men (surprise, surprise). And although the Los Angeles art world may seemingly...

Coliving Spaces in Madrid, Spain

As a 23 year old student, I have been looking for shared flats in Madrid. However, this is not my first time living in shared flats and I have lived first hand some pretty bad roommate horror stories. I have found that the best way to prevent this is Coliving. There is an organized company making su...

10 Tips for Maximizing Minimalist Aesthetics in Tiny Spaces

It’s Ava again. While I might be living in what feels like an overpriced closet by Midwest standards, I’ve found joy and creativity in every square foot of my abode. Today, I’m gonna show you how to channel those minimalist aesthetics for maximum impact in your tiny homes. Trust me...

Am I Queer Enough for Your Safe Spaces?

Someday, I hope to stop writing about the progressive agenda, wokeness, and self-righteousness of my beloved left — but there is just more and more content flying my way. Most of the time I just want to be left alone and enjoy the city but in many of the “inclusive”, and “...

I’m Sick of “Women in Tech” Spaces

I’ve sent emails like this one before. I’ve had many, many conversations that sound like reading out this email. I’ve asked so many event and group organizers if the women’s group is open to non-binary folks, and gotten a variety of responses. Sometimes people respond &rdq...

White People & Conflict In Black Community Spaces

Whether we are intentional about it or not, everything we say and do, including what we write, comes from a series of lenses, intentions, and frameworks that help us shape the beliefs and narratives behind our actions. My intention for this paper is to offer what I have attained in my education of i...

The Aesthetics of Urban Decay: Exploring the Beauty in Abandoned Spaces and Ruins

The Aesthetics of Urban Decay: Exploring the Beauty in Abandoned Spaces and Ruins Urban decay is the process of deterioration and abandonment of buildings, structures, and spaces in cities. It is often associated with poverty, crime, pollution, and social problems. However, urban decay can also b...

The Benefits of Aging on Earth Versus Space

According to Einstein’s Special Theory of Relativity — time progresses differently for a moving clock, and according to Einstein’s General Theory of Relativity — time advances more slowly for a clock embedded in a gravitational potential. The rate by which we age bi...

Unveiling the Future of Travel: A Deep Dive into the Exciting Realm of Space Tourism

If the concept of space tourism seems surreal to you, you’re not alone. It’s a radical shift from conventional vacations, something few could have imagined just decades ago. But as we stand on the brink of its mainstream emergence, exploring this topic becomes not just a novelty, but a n...

Co-creating with children | A toolkit for historical museum spaces

Children are full of creativity. Their untainted view of the world allows them to see unlimited possibilities, that many adults have learnt to ignore, to their misfortune. What is the best way to harvest this creativity? How do you stimulate it and how do you direct it towards a common goal? Over th...

The Violence of Smooth Spaces

One way to view culture, and one that I subscribe to and believe to be put forth by Deleuze and Guattri, is as the amalgamation of a series of responses to a series of problems. It is a localized and historical process; problems arise and responses are engendered. These responses inform future respo...

“Based on What?” & ϑ’Entropic Nature of Slaŋ in Online Spaces

Okay so I'm just goiŋ to pretend for a second ϑat ϑ’world has no real problems so I can rant about ϑ’meaniŋless brainslop — I’ve noticed when words leave ϑeir bubbles into ϑ’public conscience, ϑeir meaniŋs are...