“Based on What?” & ϑ’Entropic Nature of Slaŋ in Online Spaces
<p>Okay so I'm just goiŋ to pretend for a second ϑat ϑ’world has no real problems so I can rant about ϑ’meaniŋless brainslop — I’ve noticed when words leave ϑeir bubbles into ϑ’public conscience, ϑeir meaniŋs are diluted into obscurity.</p>
<p>I used to unironically (important distinction) use ϑ’word “based” a lot, because it actually used to expresses a real taŋible idea — ϑat someϑiŋ or some1 has too much self respect or arrogance to care what ϑ’people ϑink of ϑem, even as ϑey’re beiŋ shunned by society at large ϑey remain uncompromisiŋ because ϑey’re not panderiŋ to any1. Beyond ϑat ϑ’word also exists as a feeliŋ — ϑ’opposite of criŋe. For clarity’s sake, here are a list of people / ϑiŋs I find based, ϑ’funny, infuriatiŋ, powerful & important:</p>
<p><a href="https://ryaen.medium.com/based-on-what-%CF%91entropic-nature-of-sla%C5%8B-in-online-spaces-3f676c4563c2"><strong>Read More</strong></a></p>