“Based on What?” & ϑ’Entropic Nature of Slaŋ in Online Spaces

<p>Okay so I&#39;m just goiŋ to pretend for a second &thetasym;at &thetasym;&rsquo;world has no real problems so I can rant about &thetasym;&rsquo;meaniŋless brainslop &mdash; I&rsquo;ve noticed when words leave &thetasym;eir bubbles into &thetasym;&rsquo;public conscience, &thetasym;eir meaniŋs are diluted into obscurity.</p> <p>I used to unironically (important distinction) use &thetasym;&rsquo;word &ldquo;based&rdquo; a lot, because it actually used to expresses a real taŋible idea &mdash; &thetasym;at some&thetasym;iŋ or some1 has too much self respect or arrogance to care what &thetasym;&rsquo;people &thetasym;ink of &thetasym;em, even as &thetasym;ey&rsquo;re beiŋ shunned by society at large &thetasym;ey remain uncompromisiŋ because &thetasym;ey&rsquo;re not panderiŋ to any1. Beyond &thetasym;at &thetasym;&rsquo;word also exists as a feeliŋ &mdash; &thetasym;&rsquo;opposite of criŋe. For clarity&rsquo;s sake, here are a list of people / &thetasym;iŋs I find based, &thetasym;&rsquo;funny, infuriatiŋ, powerful &amp; important:</p> <p><a href="https://ryaen.medium.com/based-on-what-%CF%91entropic-nature-of-sla%C5%8B-in-online-spaces-3f676c4563c2"><strong>Read More</strong></a></p>
Tags: Online Spaces