The Spaces In Between

<p>Perhaps it&rsquo;s a symptom of getting older. I&rsquo;ve begun to recognise the spaces between. Those interludes when life is no longer was what it was, yet is not yet what it will be. Multiple, big changes were made, you&rsquo;re working away consistently, things are ok: but it doesn&rsquo;t feel like anything is happening. In some ways, it&rsquo;s a relief. Nothing happening is a good thing. The dust is settling; there was a lot of dust. The dust does not yet resemble a beautiful structure that you&rsquo;re proud to show off, the finished article.</p> <p>The in between is time spent in solitude.</p> <p>The in between is realisations emerging from the depth of your unconscious.</p> <p>The in between is processing those things.</p> <p><a href=""><strong>Visit Now</strong></a></p>
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