Tag: social

ActivityPub, Fediverse and the Future of social networks

With the recent growth of Mastodon and Threads, you might have heard about ActivityPub, a relatively new networking protocol that has gathered momentum and is on its way to change how social networks work on the web. This article will give you an introduction to ActivityPub, how it’s used on t...

Facebook & Twitter Are Committing Platform Suicide: How TikTok Killed the Social Media Giants

Social media is dying. TikTok has spun the tech world into chaos over the past four years, and social media as a concept will likely be the biggest casualty. For decades, Meta has enjoyed a conspicuous lack of competition. TikTok came out of nowhere and challenged the social media giants wi...

Introduction to Hextreed: Social Community

Hey there, social media enthusiasts! Imagine a world where you can speak your mind without any limits and even make money while you’re at it. Hextreed is the hottest new social media platform that is changing the game. A revolutionary decentralized social media platform that harne...

How to use Gen AI for Social Media Marketing with PaLM API and Maker Suite

Generative Artificial Intelligence allows us to generate new creative content in text, code, images, etc. This time, we are going to create a web application that allows us to create marketing content. To do this, we will use the following tools: PaLM API: It is the interface that Google pr...

Trump’s Social Media Meltdown

A One-Way Ticket to Contempt Court? What’s good, America? It’s your boy Jerreace, and today we’re diving deep into the boiling pot of legal drama that’s got former President Donald Trump sweatin’ bullets. Hold onto your seats, ’cause this ride is about to get b...

Unveiling Truth Social: Monetization and Beyond

In the ever-evolving landscape of social media platforms, a new player has entered the scene, promising to uphold the values of free speech and open dialogue while introducing innovative monetization opportunities for its users. “Truth Social” is an intriguing addition that has garnered ...

The Art of Pretending to Enjoy Wine: A Social Survival Guide

People enjoying wine feels like a conspiracy. When I’m at another obligatory work gathering, drinking wine is almost unavoidable. The boss orders wine for the whole team. I find myself sipping on it, not because I prefer it over my sweet, fruity cocktails, but because he’s footing the...

How Social Anxiety Made Me a Better Person

In 1969, a kid has red eyes as a result of a genetic condition called ocular albinism, and he’s called a “devil child” by almost everyone in his more conservative Catholic school. Some of his teachers actually believe he’s a devil child. He’s bullied mercilessly. He ...

You Are the Product and 5 Other Sneaky Ways Social Media Has Hijacked Your Brain

Almost everyone (except maybe that Zuckerberg guy) is beginning to understand the effects of social media on our lives is…well, not great. We all know how we feel after mindlessly scrolling Facebook or TikTok or InstaThreadsXSnap, or whatever the latest is these days. It isn’t good. ...

Digital Detox: Why Do We Need It In This Stressful Era of Social Media

As a student myself who is living my quarter life crisis era, I can’t escape from the dynamics of social media. Instagram, Twitter, Facebook, and anything else you call them. Consequently, almost everyday, my brain consumes the visualization of my friends and connections’ life a lot, no ...

Addicted to Social Media? Not Your Fault

I made my Facebook profile around 2005. I frequently used it to publish pictures of my friends and me having fun. I periodically talked about my ramblings, the books I was reading, and the eateries I went to. I also started connecting with my friends on Facebook. A few years later, I also made my...

Social media is the newest porn in town.

I was trying to check a link sent to me on Instagram sometime around last week, the link was sent to me on WhatsApp about a product to check out. I want to assume that there’s a syndrome that naturally affects humans whereby you pick interest in checking the next reel that pops on your timelin...

Are we conscious enough of the amount on time we spend on social media?

I think we aren’t, at least, I am not. I’ve realized that due to the algorithms from social media apps, we can be too drawn to the content they provide and sometimes we aren’t aware of how much time of our lives we spend on them. They show us content related to previous content ...

Finding Purpose in Work: Exploring the Notion of Social Usefulness

Introduction In the modern hustle and bustle of life, it’s all too easy to lose sight of the delicate equilibrium between work and personal well-being. The pursuit of a fulfilling career can sometimes overshadow the question that truly matters: “Do I contribute positively to my commun...

The Remarkable Journey of rebuy Poznań’s Social Media Team

In the bustling heart of rebuy Poznań, a group of unsung heroes are quietly changing the game. They’re not your typical corporate superheroes; they’re the Social Media Team (SMT), a group of dedicated employees who’ve transformed their everyday jobs into extraordinary adventures. ...

Mastering Employee Motivation (Part 4): Social Synergy Sparks

This article is the fourth of the series, Mastering Employee Motivation. For a high-level overview of all types of employee motivators, read this article: Mastering Employee Motivation (Part 1): From Recognition to Empowerment In the dynamic landscape of today’s workplace, understanding ...

Q: What are the pros and cons of using social media for marketing?

Social media has become an integral part of our daily lives, and businesses have taken notice. With billions of users worldwide, social media platforms present a significant opportunity for businesses to reach their target audience. However, with so many platforms available, it can be challeng...

Soulmate Sketch — Psychic Drawings — Social Media Famous

Discover the Magic of Connection with Soulmate Sketch — Psychic Drawings In the digital age, where connections are made through screens and swipes, finding a genuine and deep connection can often seem elusive. But what if there was a unique and mystical way to delve into the depths of your ...

Street Art in Nepal, Pt. 1: Art as a Tool for Social Change [Podcast]

Late in 2022 L.A. graffiti artist extraordinaire Man One traveled to Nepal to participate in a cultural exchange program designed to celebrate the voices of Nepali minorities. Over a two week period, the California-based muralist — who also serves as co-founder of NOT REAL ART parent...

The use of virtual worlds for social interaction.

Virtual worlds are computer-simulated environments that allow users to interact with each other and with the environment in a variety of ways. They can be used for a variety of purposes, including gaming, education, and social interaction. In recent years, there has been a growing interest in the...

Navigating the Metaverse: A Journey through Promise and Perils in Social Interaction

The meteoric ascent of the metaverse and the rapid expansion of virtual interactions vividly illustrate the age-old proverb: necessity begets invention. In a time not too long ago, imagining a viable substitute for in-person interactions and social gatherings seemed daunting. Yet, the advent of the ...

The Evolution of Social Interaction in the Metaverse

The metaverse, an expansive digital universe, is reshaping how we perceive and engage with social interactions. Meta Tower is at the forefront of this interconnected realm, pioneering innovative approaches to redefine social engagement, fostering meaningful connections, and enabling collaborati...

SAP Social Sabbatical — An Opportunity of a Lifetime

3 more days to go, and I’m off to Bangkok, Thailand, to start my Social Sabbatical, a program my employer SAP has offered internally for more than 10 years. Essentially, you go to a place in an economically less developed country and, together with 2 colleagues, work with a l...

Social Media Digest: WhatsApp Message Editing, LinkedIn Job Verifications, Twitter’s Barcelona, and More!

Discover the latest features and developments in WhatsApp, LinkedIn, and Twitter that will enhance your online experience. WhatsApp Messages Editing Feature Launches Next Week: Learn about the new functionality that allows you to edit sent WhatsApp messages, giving you more control and flexib...

How Poverty Leads to Social Injustice

Social justice is achieved when all people have the right to a life of dignity, or a life free from poverty, violence, discrimination and human rights violations, explains Candice V Cunningham, founder of the non-profit organization The Black Ecosystem in Chicago. Many people fail to realize how ...

Are People Really Making Purchases on Social Media?

Ever wondered if scrolling through your feed could actually turn into a shopping spree? When the COVID-19 storm hit, shoppers embarked on an epic online treasure hunt for goodies that were once just a car ride away. Fast forward to now, and global e-commerce hubs are riding the digital wave, boas...

Social Distancing To Remain During Edinburgh International Festival : The Indiependent

Further tickets will not be sold in advance of Edinburgh International Festival, despite many sold out performances. Many performances will take place in temporary outdoor venues to ensure greater safety for the performers, staff and audiences involved. Two of these outdoor venues, Edinburgh Acad...

People on social media are very worried about Taylor Swift after seeing her at the Chiefs-Chargers game (PICS).

Oh no, Taylor Swift is back. Swift will be at Arrowhead Stadium on Sunday to watch the Kansas City Chiefs play the Los Angeles Chargers. Swift is back in Mahomes’ room for the game. She was seen watching the game with Jackson Mahomes, Brittany, and Sterling. Jackson Mahomes being clos...

3 Signs That You Need To Get A New Car

You’ve probably seen this on someone’s social media page lately: “Long ago the rich owned cars while everyone else had horses, now everyone has a car while the rich own horses” You might have agreed immediately, but studies show that’s a lie. Approximately 1.5 bil...

City compost programs turn garbage into ‘black gold’ that boosts food security and social justice

Almost overnight, the COVID-19 pandemic has transformed many Americans’ relationships with food. To relieve some of the stress associated with shopping safely for groceries and ensure food security, many people are once again planting “victory gardens.” This tradition hea...

15 Animals Who Invented Social Distancing

Getting stuck in a Wikipedia rabbit hole — clicking from page to page as you absorb layers of information you didn’t anticipate wanting in the first place — is a true simple pleasure of modern life. It was one such Wikipedia browsing session that inspired this list; in turn, as wel...

Is Social Security Going Bankrupt?

For years, I’ve been reading about how Social Security is a Ponzi scheme and that it’s running out of money. Alarmists are telling people that there will be nothing in the coffers for them when they retire. If they don’t accumulate a gigantic portfolio they risk living on cat food ...

Beyond the Bling: How Tiffany & Co.’s Atrium Program Shines a Light on Social Impact

Dear Friends and Colleagues, While Tiffany & Co.’s iconic blue boxes and dazzling diamonds often steal the spotlight, another side to the brand that deserves attention is its commitment to social impact and community engagement. Enter Tiffany’s Atrium Program, described as a ...

10 Social Impact Models For Modern Social Entrepreneurs

That responsibility, referred to in the business world as corporate social responsibility (CSR), has become the floor rather than the ceiling for companies looking to thrive. Whether an organization focuses on improving the lives of cancer patients, like the healthcare tech company Flat...

The Ultimate Guide to Funding Your Social Venture

Today’s many challenges present an opportunity to become a powerful catalyst for change and have a transformative effect on society. The most effective social entrepreneurs combine the desire to improve people’s lives with the realization that their social ventures can responsibly genera...


Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) is a concept that businesses have a duty to contribute to the social and environmental well-being of the communities where they operate. CSR can take various forms such as; philanthropy, volunteering, ethical sourcing, environmental protection, human rights advo...

Should You Work After Taking Social Security?

On November 21, 2023, I published an article titled Surprise, Surprise from Social Security in which I talked about my increase in monthly retirement benefits due to continuing to work. To my surprise, one reader responded by talking about the income tax ramifications of continuing to w...

Surprise, Surprise from Social Security

In October 2023, I received my normal monthly retirement deposit. But a few days later, I received another direct deposit of just over $400 from Social Security. Both my wife and I figured it was one of those mistakes that Social Security has been making, and soon, they would ask for it back. The...

Is Arabic a Social Construct?

Among the world’s great languages, perhaps none punches below its weight like Arabic. It is the mother tongue of 350 million people, and has a daily presence in the spiritual lives of a billion more; it is the official language of 26 countries, and one of the six of the United Nations. Yet,...

Social Zen: Mastering Fearlessness Through Deeper Understanding

The Power of Mindfulness Mindful Awareness: Central to the teachings of Social Zen is the practice of mindfulness. By cultivating a heightened awareness of the present moment, individuals can break free from the shackles of anxiety and worry. This practice enables a deeper connection with oneself...

An Autistic Social Butterfly’s Guide to Making Friends

All of this slowly began to change in my late 20s, after I learned I was Autistic and began researching masked Autism. I came to understand that I didn’t dislike people as a matter of course, I just couldn’t handle unexpected plans, or erratic noise, and was not adept at following s...

Koshy: A Champion of Equity and Social Justice

Koshy, whose life’s tale was set in two countries — India and Malaysia — began his political activism in Kerala, India, and continued it in Malaysia where he received recognition and more opportunities. It was an extremely proud moment — a dream-come-true moment — fo...

Age Is Just A Social Construct

Have you ever wondered in the modern world, why we put so much weight on age? Why people are more concerned about their age every year? Have you ever thought that factors such as our metabolism, hormones, and lifestyle changes play major factors in our biological age as compared to these mathemat...

The Perils of Social Media for Disabled People

Social media can be treacherous for disabled people. Disabled people have had to deal with being told that pictures of their own faces and bodies should have had a content warning because it’s inappropriate and ugly. They’ve been accused of faking their disability. They’ve had thei...

How to create an inclusive society?- The Social Ripples

We all are talking about an inclusive society and dreaming of creating a completely inclusive society. But, the question exists is what is aninclusive society? How to create an inclusive society that will be loved by all? An inclusive society is a society where people love to live with each ...

Social Class and Access to Justice: How Class System Works in a Legal Process

Social class is often the background of injustice in a legal process. Numerous studies show the difficulty of restoring rights to the lower classes which cannot be separated from the relationship between class and the legal process. We even could see this problem from the news about the law enforcem...

Lawyers: creative social architects?

I love this. It speaks to all sorts of truths about law and lawyers. But in particular, it shines a light on what, at heart, they are really all about. People. And more specifically, how to manage the unending truth that people are terrible at getting on with one another (and their planet) and need ...

Navigating the Landscape of Social Justice Movements

In the ever-evolving tapestry of human history, social justice movements stand as powerful catalysts for change, challenging systemic inequalities and advocating for a more equitable world. From civil rights struggles to contemporary movements addressing issues such as racial injustice, gender ...

Rise With Your Class, Not Out Of It.

The concept of social mobility places great emphasis on individual effort- being told that if you work hard then you will earn more money and thus ‘climb up’ the social ladder. ‘You’ not ‘we’, and this is the problem. In our efforts to move up in society, we negle...

My First Clues about Social Injustice

I was fortunate enough to go to university at a time when it was affordable. Tuition was under $3,000 a year, and a combination of Pell grants and working part-time jobs could pay for your education. That was back when university “work-study jobs” offered meaningful academic-related empl...

“Beyond the Dream: MLK’s Principles Transforming Today’s Social Battles”

Introduction In a world brimming with social and political upheavals, the principles of Martin Luther King Jr. (MLK) continue to offer a beacon of hope and guidance. His philosophy transcends time, inspiring new generations to champion causes like equality, justice, and nonviolence. As we navigat...

4 Ways To Contribute To Social Activism

The Citizen communicates a vision of a good society and offers legitimacy to the social movement in the eyes of ordinary citizens. They take direct action to help those affected by injustice. This allows them to humanise the issue and publicise moving stories. Citizenship adds an important layer ...

What Makes a Social Movement Successful

Through all of history, social movements have made big transformations in society. When leadership isn’t good enough and the system is failing, people are the only ones who can try to fix it. Because when power is used, it becomes a dreadful state of mind that through clouding your mind and c...

Third Wheel at an Opioid Social for Two

Crouched on the metal couch of a bus stop seat, repeating a rocking motion, nursing himself to sleep, he sways, builds momentum, then peaks. Or does the high¹ peak? He starts rocking again, so it’s really immaterial. I’ve seen it before: head slumped over a bowl of cereal, ...

The Social Psychology of the Backfire Effect: Locking Up the Gears of Your Mind

Aco-worker and I were sharing stories about going back home and seeing high school friends. We both remarked how awkward it is to visit with people who have not moved emotionally or socially past high school. It’s an awkward feeling and situation to be in. We both shared the uneasiness and tho...

Populations Should Redefine the Social Contract

The digital age has long been upon us for some time, but now cryptocurrencies like Bitcoin, Ethereum, Solana and others are not just altering the financial landscape; they have a potential for reshaping the dynamics of governance, taxation and the social contract itself. The emergence o...

Don’t Be a Karen: Be a Joan

A common social phenomenon is that a term will get washed down by misuse, until it loses its meaning. Not every angry woman is a Karen. A Karen is an entitled (usually white) woman who acts like the main character in her own movie, asserting her rights while clearly trampling on the rights of oth...

How the Ghost of Ancestors Dictate Asian Social Norms

Ah, Asian culture — the intricate tapestry of ancient traditions and modern sensibilities that often seems as paradoxical as putting ketchup on sushi. It’s a blend, a mishmash, and sometimes a clash. If you’ve ever felt this silent pressure pushing you to fulfill unspoken standards...

There Are Two Ways To Implement Social-Emotional Learning — Only One Is Right

Here’s the sad truth that applies to 95% of you who teach Social-Emotional learning (SEL) techniques in your classroom. You are doing it all wrong! Not only that, but every resource you have used or given to you by your district has it all wrong, too. Why? Because most people who c...

Minimalism is the Opposite of Social Media

Social media has become an important part of our lives. Rarely does someone not have accounts on Instagram, Facebook, Snapchat, etc. It allows us to stay “connected” to everyone. We have information regarding others, we know what places they are visiting, what clothes they are buying, wh...

The Role of Education in Social Security Disability and SSI Cases: A Legal Perspective

In the intricate world of Social Security Disability (SSD) and Supplemental Security Income (SSI) cases, various factors come into play when determining eligibility and the level of benefits an individual may receive. Among these factors, education stands out as a crucial element that can significan...

Why I’m Bullish on European Market Access: The Social Contract (Part 2 of 4)

The new GLP-1 Agonists are turning out to be quite promising for addressing diabetes, obesity and other chronic conditions. So promising that many patients in Europe are willing to pay out of pocket for these treatments rather than wait for access for their indications through traditional ...

Can Having a Pacemaker Qualify for Social Security Disability and SSI?

In today's world, medical advancements have granted individuals with various health conditions the opportunity to lead fulfilling lives. However, for some individuals, such as those reliant on pacemakers, navigating the complexities of social security disability and Supplemental Securi...

How to Think like a Social Anthropologist

After an application, a cover letter, a virtual team-fit interview, a technical skills test, and weeks of preparation spanning it all, today is the day! You have been selected for a final interview in the company’s headquarters. It’s a shoo-in, you think. You fit the job description perf...

Social Anthropology of the Otherness. Part One: Primitivism and Colonialism

Social anthropology is a discipline that was completed largely due to the influence of sociologists in the late nineteenth century, mainly french sociologist Émile Durkheim (1858–1917) had a wide impact on what is now known as social anthropology. For Durkheim, it was important to estab...

Navigating Social Security Disability Benefits: A Comprehensive Guide

Introduction: Navigating the intricacies of Social Security Disability Benefits (SSDB) can be overwhelming for individuals facing physical or mental challenges that hinder their ability to work. The process involves understanding eligibility criteria, application procedures, potential p...

Museum in Progress: Change and Social Healing at the Columbus Museum of Art

Hannah Mason-Macklin, Manager of Interpretation and Engagement, Columbus Museum of Art As a young woman of color, and as the Manager of Interpretation and Engagement at the Columbus Museum of Art (CMA), interpretation is my mode of protest and my sphere of influence. Interpretation has the unique...

11 Golden Rules to Improve Social Skills

Inthe heart of bustling New Delhi, Rohan found himself at yet another social gathering, feeling awkward and out of place. As conversations buzzed around him, he struggled to find his voice and connect with others. Determined to break free from his social barriers, Rohan embarked on a journey of self...

Food Systems and Social Organization

We all need to eat. This is a biological fact, but it’s also a sociological fact. Sociology is the study of how people are organized in a particular time and place and thus, applying that lens to food means exploring how we organize access to food: when do people eat, what do people eat, and h...

Social Fragmentation: Causes, Impacts, and Potential Path Forward

Social fragmentation refers to the division of society into distinct groups that do not interact or integrate with one another as they once might have. In an era where we are more connected than ever before through technology, paradoxically, there are signs that we are becoming increasingly fragment...

Why You Should Love (Social) Science

We like to think we understand the world. Thanks to scientists with their lab equipment, computer programs, radio telescopes, and particle accelerators, we think the natural world’s pretty well been figured out. Only some truly esoteric topics remain, like black holes and why people vote for R...

How does an applicant’s death affect a pending SSDI application?

Navigating the intricate landscape of Social Security Disability Insurance (SSDI) benefits can be daunting, particularly when faced with the unfortunate circumstance of a loved one passing away during the application process. While the journey may seem complex, understanding the options av...

When did we Stop Being Naked?

The moment when humans first clothed their bodies marks a significant leap in our cultural and social evolution. This evolution from bare skin to dressed form reflects deeper changes in human behavior, social structures, and self-perception. The discovery of the Tarkhan Dress, dating back nearly 5,5...

Beyond the Aesthete: Transforming the Role of the Fashion Designer in an Emergent Social Construct

The traditional role of the fashion designer is no longer relevant or sustainable. As the contemporary fashion marketplace reaches unprecedented levels of abundance and consumption, consumers’ needs and desires for design move well beyond the material realm. Thus, fashion designers can no long...

How Blue Jeans Became a Social Equalizer

Denim is a twill constructed cotton fabric woven with a dyed warp and white filling threads. It comes from the phrase Serge de Nimes or serge from Nimes, a city in France that first reproduced this textile. Denim has been around for so many years, but it only became popular when the fabric was ...

Navigating Social Security Disability: A Comprehensive Guide

Navigating the Social Security Disability (SSD) system can be complex and overwhelming, especially for individuals facing health challenges like sickle cell disease. Understanding the intricacies of the application process, eligibility criteria, and what to expect can greatly improve your chances of...

Do Migraines Qualify for Social Security Disability Benefits?

As a law firm dedicated to serving individuals seeking assistance with disability claims, we understand the complexities surrounding conditions like migraines and their eligibility for Social Security Disability benefits. Migraines are not just headaches; they can be debilitating, affecting a p...

The Importance of Having an RFC Assessment in Your Social Security Disability and SSI Case

In the realm of Social Security Disability (SSD) and Supplemental Security Income (SSI) claims, the significance of a Residual Functional Capacity (RFC) assessment cannot be overstated. As seasoned practitioners in this domain, we recognize the critical role an RFC evaluation plays in bols...

Unveiling Social Security Disability Benefits: Your Path to Support

Shoulder injuries can severely disrupt a person's capacity to work, resulting in financial strain and uncertainty about their future. In such instances, Social Security Disability Insurance (SSDI) and Supplemental Security Income (SSI) can offer vital financial support. However, the eligibility crit...

Is Arabic a Social Construct?

Among the world’s great languages, perhaps none punches below its weight like Arabic. It is the mother tongue of 350 million people, and has a daily presence in the spiritual lives of a billion more; it is the official language of 26 countries, and one of the six of the United Nations. Yet,...

‘Tartle’: The Awkward Charm of a Scottish Social Quirk

*Disclosure: This article was assisted by AI technology. While every effort has been made to ensure accuracy and originality, some content may be influenced by the AI’s algorithms and data sources.* Introduction In the dance of social interactions, there’s a Scottish step known...

The Hidden Rules of Social Interaction

Have you ever thought of the countless social norms you abide by on a daily basis, both knowingly and unknowingly? These are often called the “unspoken” or “unwritten” rules of society, many of them being deeply ingrained into the minds of basically everyone. Examples of I...

Can You Get Social Security Disability Benefits Without The Sufficient Work Credits or Despite Being Over Resourced?

Navigating Social Security Disability Benefits can be complex, especially when facing obstacles like insufficient work credits or exceeding resource limits. This blog post delves into the eligibility criteria for Social Security Disability Insurance (SSDI) and Supplemental Security Income ...

Debating the Sufficiency of Physical Therapy and Chiropractor Records in Proving Disability

When applying for disability benefits, substantial medical evidence is crucial to substantiate the severity of one's condition. Physical therapy and chiropractor records often play a significant role in documenting a claimant's medical history and ongoing treatment. However, the question ari...

Does Having an Oxygen Tank Help My Chances of Being Approved for Social Security Disability or SSI?

For individuals living with respiratory conditions, the need for supplemental oxygen can significantly impact daily life. From managing tasks at home to engaging in employment, the use of an oxygen tank is often essential. But what role does it play in the realm of Social Security Disability&nb...

Are There Disability Benefits for Tuberculosis

Navigating the complex world of Social Security Disability Insurance (SSDI) and Supplemental Security Income (SSI) can be daunting, especially when dealing with a serious health condition like Tuberculosis (TB). If you or a loved one are battling TB and wondering if you qualify for SSDI or...

Understanding Social Security Disability Benefits for Autism Level 3

Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) is a neurodevelopmental condition that affects individuals in various ways, impacting their social interactions, communication skills, and behavior. ASD is often categorized into three levels of severity, with Level 3 being the most severe. For individuals with aut...

Understanding Social Security Dependent Benefits for Adults Over 18

In the realm of Social Security benefits, many individuals are familiar with the concept of dependent benefits for children. However, what happens when a potential beneficiary is over the age of 18? Can they still qualify for dependent benefits? Let's delve into this often misunderstood area...